Rape is very bad and bitter most especially to the victims. I tend not to understand how rapist enjoy what they do.
They first see the victim, then lust falls in, it starts playing all kind of evil melody which gives the the ability to act. They wish they could get a taste of what they are seeing, so they start planning on how to get their victims. After a little while, they gain the courage and false strength to actualise the act. They then actualise their thoughts and plans of which they become satisfied and happy at the moment but they end up regretting they committed the act in the long run.
Rape most time comes along with trauma, the woman private organ suffers injuries, unwanted pregnancy may accompany the rape. Most of the times, the victims get infected by sexually transmitted diseases.
Most victims of rape become so scared of social gatthering and staying with opposite sex. The after events of rape is so painful and disheartning.