#RapThursday - Bavarian Hip Hop

in rapthursday •  3 years ago 


for the #RapThursday, the tag by @flipstar and supported by @uwelang, will go to Bavaria, the home of beer and BMW. In Bavaria there are some bands that rap on Bavarian, like Liquid & Maniac.

Another one that I enjoy is dicht & ergreifend, which has cool texts in Bavarian dialect. Well, some, if understood, are not so political correct, but who cares about political correctness.

Lef Dutti which means servant in Bavarian, is one part of dicht & ergreifend and has some solo mixtapes launched like * My Leberkas Weighs A Ton*

Will close with a video which was made by some Romanian fellows that live in Bavaria. Enjoy!

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