An open letter to Longhorn Steakhouse...

in rare •  6 years ago  (edited)

B84FFB6C-98E0-44ED-B8B5-EB47883A4D05.jpegHere’s my suggestion to Longhorn Steakhouse...

My daughter and I have an ongoing competition to describe how rare we want our steaks.

Some of the honorable mentions are...

“Hold a lit lighter above it and sing ‘Free Bird’ as fast as you can.”

“Air Jordan it. Bounce it off the grill twice, take a running leap and slam-dunk it onto the plate”

“Put it in the freezer for five minutes.”

“I want it Super Black and Blue. Just take a black magic marker and DRAW the grill marks on it before serving it.”

And my favorite,

“Just show it a PICTURE of a stove. (Don’t hold the picture too close, that might overcook it.)”

This sounds, to me at least, like a great idea for an Internet competition and eventual ad campaign. This could be done for both rare and well done steaks. You can just keep this idea for no charge. I don’t care because I just LOVE Longhorn Steakhouse.

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