For some reason I’ve started watching the React channel again. It’s usually the music related videos like Do You Know or (insert age group) Reacts. It took me awhile to figure out what irked me about the Do You Know videos when it comes to the younger groups. Then it hit me with nostalgic hammer. Rated K: For Kids, By Kids!
As soon as my mom got cable, Nickelodeon became my life back in the mid to late 80s. Around that time Nick introduced a new pop culture review show called Rated K: For Kids, By Kids and I was excited for it because I thought it would be geared towards me. Since I haven’t seen and documentaries on this show I can only speculate that the kids had the scripts written by professional writers. I started to dislike the show when the one of the hosts revelled in her ignorance of the Beatles. I don’t remember if it was the same host that ripped on Buddy Holly calling him a hick. This was around the time the biopics of Holly and Valens came out.
Being proud that you do not know something is the similarity that the kids and teens had on Rated K and on the React channel. It can be summed up with the phrase “I wasn’t alive then, therefore it doesn’t matter.” I can say at least the kids doing the reactions and guessing songs and the artists are at least sincere. The Rated K hosts were reading scripts possibly off of a teleprompter. The Rated K IMDB page is kinda sparse. I wouldn’t mind going through the Nick archives to rewatch the entire series.