Species Specific Diet For Humans

in rawfood •  8 years ago 

Hello my beautiful brother/sister!  I hope you are having an incredibly blessed day.  If I could give you a big hug right now, I would.  But instead, I will hug your brain with insightful knowledge on how to live.  I'm sorry it's now quite as amazing as a soft, genuine hug, but I hope you'll enjoy it just as well! :)

In this article, I'd love to share with you what the human species is actually designed by nature to eat, and try to throw some logical points in to help me out, since what you're about to read is probably vastly different from anything you've ever been sold on in the past about our diet and what is natural to humans.

I hope you'll stick around and read all you can in this article.  It may be some of the most important information you will ever hear.  So please be open minded and enjoy!

What Is A Homosapien?

The meat and dairy industry, plus a few others, have done a fabulous job at convincing the world that we are omnivores.  Big businesses like this, and their ability con and manipulate the entire world is incredible!  You may believe some of the commercials and high dollar marketing they use to convince you that your body is fully capable of eating just about anything and everything they have for sale.  But have you actually looked at yourself closely in a mirror?  Do you realize what type of animal you are?  The human race seems to have forgotten exactly what species it is, BUT DON'T PANIC!  Nature and common sense have the answer!

If you were to compare your anatomy to every other animal in the animal kingdom, which one do you believe humans most closely represent?  That's right my friend!  Tigers!  It should be obvious with our incredibly sharp teeth for tearing through animal hide, our razor sharp claws for pouncing on prey, and our extraordinary speed for outrunning our food...  Errr, sorry.  I misread my notes there.  We'll get into all that info a little later, but for right now, the answer was actually, apes!  Yes ladies and gentlemen, we are in fact anthropoids; relatives to the great apes!  We share more than 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees.  Our anatomy is the most closely comparable to chimps, and our digestive system is nearly identical to theirs.  Knowing this, would it be that much of a stretch to consider that maybe we should be eating like our closest relatives?  If it is, then I encourage you to keep reading and check out some of the other facts I have for you.  And now, let's take a look at this!

Every species on the planet has its very own species specific diet, and humans are no exception.  So what type of food does an anthropoid thrive on?  Anthropoids are a frugivorous species, meaning our primary food should be fruit!  Fruit is the most digestible, absorbable, and excretable food for our body that exists.  It contains every vitamin and mineral that the human body needs to thrive; including fats and protein!  And it contains all these nutrients in the most balanced proportions for human biology compared to any other foods.

If you've never done any digging into this before, this is probably somewhat of a shock to you, and maybe you aren't buying it yet.  But stay with me for a little longer and we'll get into some more mind blowing information!

Where Did Humans Come From?

Weren't We Hunter/Gatherers And Cavemen In The Beginning?

This idea that everyone thinks we started out as hunter/gatherers pains me :(  Yes, we were cave dwellers at one point living and traveling through harsh, barren plains, and eating what we had to to survive.  But that was such a small part of our existence, and did not do anything too dramatic in changing or evolving our diet and how we should eat.  This is evident by the fact that our anatomy, physiology, and digestive tract still remain very identical to our ape relatives.  So where did we come from?  You may have already put two and two together, but here it is!

We came from the jungle!  That's right you beautiful jungle monkey!  We evolved where it's summer climate all year round, and the bananas and papaya are plentiful!  I know you've been told your whole life that we evolved as cavemen and hunted down animals in rocky, barren lands and ate meat all day, and then SOME HOW, we miraculously ended up developing the same biology that an ape has for climbing trees, picking fruit, and living in a total jungle environment.  Same lanky arms and legs for climbing and swinging, same four fingers and opposable thumbs with thin, flat nails for picking and peeling, same jaw type with the same tooth formation, same type of forward seeing color vision for spotting ripe, colorful fruit, same digestive tract and organ function for digesting fruit, and almost 99% identical DNA.  But that's probably all coincidence.  We obviously evolved to freeze our asses off in the winter and use our keen predatory ability to hunt and eat dead animals...  Err, maybe we should take a closer look at this.

We don't migrate, we don't hibernate, and we have some of the least amount of hair or fur out of any other animal to protect ourselves in the winter.  We have nothing that an animal needs to be in a winter climate.  We have absolutely no natural, biological tools or instinct for hunting and killing.  all animals that are designed to eat other animals have the proper biological makeup to do so.  Every meat eater has claws to rip open flesh, big sharp teeth for tearing through animal skin, long pointed snouts/faces for digging into animal carcasses and eating the insides.  they are color blind, they have stomach acid at least 10x more acidic than humans for breaking down meat and bacteria.  Humans have nothing to indicate that we are meat eaters.

If we didn't have the meat industry with an endless supply of neat little packaged fillets, and instead, everyone had to go out and kill their own meat and eat it raw, right then and there, just like every other meat eater on the planet, I don't think many people would be eating meat.  Does that sound enjoyable and satiating to you?  Going out every day to hunt down animals without any weapons, Only your own biology, just like every other true meat eater does it.  Chasing after an animal, trying to kill it with your bare hands, rip its flesh open, and eat everything inside as it is.  Every other meat eater on the planet would have no problem with this, and would enjoy eating this way.  So if this process doesn't sound very appealing to you, or even makes you sick, then maybe you should consider the fact that you are not meant to eat meat.

Almost all evidence right now points towards humans originating from the rainforests of Africa, where it's warm and bears fruit all year long.  Only after we left the jungle and started exploring other land, is when we lost our natural environment and resources and had to revert to killing animals for survival purposes only, and not a means to thrive and be healthy.

The Cooking Factor

I'm not sure if you've noticed this, but humans are the only species that I know of that burns their food before consuming it.  For some reason, many years ago after humans mastered fire, they decided to start using it to cook their food with.  Why did they take up this habit?  I have no idea.  There are plenty of theories, and maybe you even have your own.  But they are really all just theories, and no one actually knows, and it really doesn't matter why we started cooking.  What you should be concerned with is, what is it doing to your food now?

Every other creature on the planet eats their food the way it is found for them in nature, in its raw, unprocessed, natural state.  Every living organism is part of the one whole biological process of life, which counts on all living things to flow and act according to natural laws.  One law here is that nature is perfect, and you cannot improve upon it.  Nature has provided us with everything we need, especially when it comes to food, and to think that we can improve on it by burning it is ridiculous.

I wonder if you've also noticed that no other animal in nature develops cancer, diabetes, obesity, skin conditions, or any other disease like this; other than our domestic animals that eat our unnatural foods.

That's because cooking food completely destroys and transforms the natural structure of the food, making it impossible to properly digest and be utilized by the body.  Heating anything above around 120 degrees fahrenheit, will start to destroy the living factors of the food that is essential for a healthy body, Such as living enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and biophotons, which are all necessary for a healthy body.  The intense heat also destroys most of the vitamins in food and much of the mineral content as well.  It also dehydrates the food, which in turn will dehydrate your own body.  The chemical and biological structure of the food will be mutated, causing it to be toxic and acidic to the body.

Imagine right now if the temperature outside was 350-450 degrees F.  Do you think very much would survive?  Do you think the chemicals in the atmosphere and the microbes on the planet and the vitamins and minerals in your body would be unchanged?  I doubt it.  Almost all, if not ALL, life on earth would be destroyed, most of the chemical structures and compounds on the planet would be destroyed or altered, there would likely be nothing left with the ability to support life.  So why would we do this to our food, and deprive it of any capability to support a living organism like the human body?

What other implications has cooking created?  It has allowed us to now eat foods that we were never designed to eat, and are very unnatural to our bodies.  We are a frugivorous species designed to eat fruits and occasionally some tender leafy greens.  And unless we were in a survival situation where we were starving, then there really is not much else in nature that appeals to us as being edible.  No one would want to kill an animal and eat the meat in its raw natural state like every other meat eater does.  No one would be eating grains, and starches, and dairy products, or even most vegetables and greens in their raw natural state found in nature.  This is because we are not designed to eat any of these foods (and I will elaborate on each one of these food types later in the article).  But mankind has a bad habit of coming up with ways to try and outsmart god.  We love to see what we can get away with outside of natural law.  It's not really a bad thing, and it is a big part of what makes us human.  But at the same time, billions of humans and animals are suffering right now because of it.  So I think it's been a very knowledgeable experience for the human race, but it's time we wake up now stop with the insanity and the suffering.

We have been fooled into thinking that cooking is an art, when really it is an abomination against nature and life.  Cooking goes against Nature's perfect laws, and when a living creature lives outside the laws of nature, there are always going to be repercussions. Cooking was the first major mistake of mankind, and is the most essential mistake we must correct if we want to end our suffering.

What actually constitutes food for a species?

Here, I'm going to go over with you a few guidelines when it comes to what food actually is to a species.  These guidelines were developed by Loren Lockman. He runs the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Costa Rica, where he does fasting retreats.  He is 52 years old, and has been a raw vegan for the last 26 years, and has not been sick once in those past 26 years.  I really enjoy the guidelines he has created.  they are some of the best I've found for explaining what constitutes food for a species.

He created 6 guidelines, but I believe 2 of them are part of the same category, so I condensed it to 5.  Here they are.

1. The substance must contain nutritional value for that species.

This guideline should be obvious, and honestly, most foods fall into this category.  For now, you can just cross off twinkies and potato chips from your list of foods.

2. The substance must not contain harmful toxins to that species.

Now, with these two guidelines, you can already rule out almost all food types other than fruits on the food list.  You can probably think of the obvious things, like processed junk foods, desserts, and that sort.  But do you know that all meat, dairy, grains, starches, and even herbs and many vegetables and leafy greens are toxic to the human body?

We are not carnivores, omnivores, or herbivores.  We are a frugivorous species and we do not have the natural biology and physiology to process these types of foods that are designed for these other species.

3. The substance must be edible by itself.

This guideline implies a couple different things.  Now, you may be one who loves a nice, big piece of steak, but do you really love steak?  Or do you love steak with BBQ sauce, and herbs & spices, and butter, and salt & pepper, and also something to wash it down with?  Would you be as satisfied to eat a meal of steak without any other other ingredients, condiments, side dishes or beverages?  Or do you maybe enjoy a spinach salad with nothing more than spinach?  No other fruits, nuts, herbs, meat, cheese, dressing, or anything else; just spinach?

If that doesn't sound like a meal to you, than you should cross it off your list of food items.  If it were truly a food for humans, you would have no problem making a meal out of it without adding condiments, extra ingredients, dressings and marinades, or anything else.  No other animal does this sort of thing, because it is not necessary if you are eating foods you are designed for.

Mixing food items like this also causes horrible digestive issues.  The body can't handle processing all these foods at once.  The body releases different enzymes, and has a different biological function for dealing with different food types.  When you just start shoveling in random foods that don't mix, your body will not be able to digest it properly.  All animals in nature eat one food item at a time, and they eat it without any alteration to its raw natural state.  Which leads me to the next guideline!

4. The substance must not be processed.

If a substance is truly a food for a species, it should need no processing to consume and enjoy.  No cooking, no mixing, no blending, no juicing; absolutely no alteration is needed to consume and enjoy it.

Loren Lockman gave the great example of wheatgrass.  Many people drink wheatgrass juice for the nutritional value of the plant, but if they want the nutrition from wheatgrass, why not just eat it?  because the human body cannot digest and properly utilize grass.  We are not herbivores.  We do not have the digestive enzymes of an herbivore, and we do not have 4 separate stomach chambers like all herbivores have to be able to digest tough plant cellulose.  Wheatgrass is obviously not a food for humans, so why are we trying to figure out a way to consume it?

Yes, there are high amounts of nutrition in leaves and grass, but first off, these foods also contain a certain level toxins and indigestible matter for human beings.  And secondly, the nutrient ratio in these foods contains just the right amount of balanced nutrients for the specific animals that are evolved to digest them.  Grass and leaves have very large ratios of protein and mineral content, which is great for a very large, heavy herbivore that needs those nutrient ratios.  Humans, on the other hand do not so well with high amounts of protein and minerals.  We are designed more for carbohydrates and vitamins.  Fruits contain every single vitamin and mineral that the human body needs, INCLUDING plenty of protein and fat!  And fruit provides all these nutritional components in the exact ratios that the human body needs to thrive on!

Any genuine study done today proves that eating too much protein is acidic to the body and is one of the biggest causes of cancer around the world!  And taking in excessive minerals will cause toxicity and also stiffness and calcification in the body.  This whole mindset that everyone has that MORE nutrients are better, and we CAN'T get enough of them is really taking a toll on our bodies.  The human body can only use as much as it can use, and the rest is typically wasted or becomes a harmful burden on the body.

So by not processing our food, it ensures that we will always eat what natured designed for us to eat.  And we will never have to worry about silly problems like this that are created because humans want to try and find ways to eat everything that they're not supposed to.

5. The substance must be appealing to the animal's senses.

Have you ever wondered how all other animals seem to somehow be able to get all their nutritional needs met, even though they don't use protein powders, multi-vitamins & minerals, or probiotics?  They don't have a nutritional pyramid chart, or physicians, or cronometer.com.  So seriously, how is it possible that they are not all sick and deficient without all these oh-so-important tools and resources?  The answer is, they just simply do what appeals to them in nature.

A cow doesn't eat grass because it's worried about its nutritional deficiencies.  A lion doesn't eat an animal because it thinks it needs the protein.  And apes don't eat bananas and mangos because they believe it's healthy and is what should be done.  They are simply eating what appeals the most to them in its raw, natural state.  Herbivores eat grass and leaves because they absolutely love it!  Carnivores eat meat because they absolutely love it! And frugivores eat fruit because they absolutely love it!  And no other food type appeals to them more or they would eat something else.

Let's take a look at a quick scenario here to see what a human is most likely to eat. Imagine you've gone back in time before there was knowledge of cooking and nutrition, and all you had were your senses. you're walking in a field of grass and you're quite hungry, and you've suddenly found yourself in a situation where you have a few options.  You've just stumbled upon a beautiful mango tree.  The mangos are ripe, and vibrant red, and have a very sweet aroma.  Then you look down, and you see a chicken... I would give some appealing and appetizing details about the chicken, but I don't know how.  You also happen to find on the ground some fresh, green kale growing.  Not only that, but there is also some wild rice and potatoes growing right nearby as well.  So let's go through some of these and find out which one you might make a meal of.  First you walk over to the potatoes. They are pretty hard and probably look quite pale, they don't have much smell other than dirt.  You take a bite, and it is very hard to chew and tastes plain and starchy; probably not food.  Next is rice, which is somewhat similar.  It doesn't look like you can make much of a meal out of it, and when you pick a tiny little grain and put it in your mouth, it is very hard and tasteless; probably not food.  now you walk up to the kale, but you completely pass it because you can't tell the difference between it, and all the other grass and leaves in the surrounding area.  And if you did happen to be able to make it out as edible and try it, it would have been bitter and disgusting, and you would wonder why you just tried to eat a leaf.  Next you have the chicken.  It doesn't particularly look or smell edible, and it seems like a hassle and waste of energy to try and chase down, kill, and rip apart to eat its insides. You probably find that you would rather sit down and play with it and enjoy its company rather than eat it.  Now you've made it to the fruit tree.  The mangos are a beautiful red, and just walking up to the tree, you can smell the sweet fruity aroma.  You reach up and pick one; it fits perfectly in the your hand.  With your nails, you're easily able to peel the thin layer of skin on the mango to reveal an even more gorgeous, juicy, orange flesh.  You take a bite, and it is sweet and juicy and you can eat as many as you want until you're full.

This is how all animals choose their food.  They just eat what appeals their senses.  Most mammals such as many herbivores and carnivores are color blind, because they don't really need color vision to sight their preferred food source.  Frugivores on the other hand have been given great color vision to be able to spot bright, colorful fruit hanging in the trees and bushes.  We are also attracted more to sweet foods more than any other food tastes, because our body's main fuel source is sugar, and we're designed to be eating sugar at every meal.  But our body can only properly utilize sugar if it's in its natural state; which would be inside of fruit with many other components such as fiber, water, and different nutrients to properly absorb the sugar.  So when you get that massive sweet tooth after eating a meal, it's because your body is craving fuel, and it really just wanted you to eat some fruit!

In Closing!

Humans are anthropoids, and all anthropoids are a frugivorous species; I'm not sure how anyone could argue this :/

Humans evolved in the tropics, where it is a tropical climate and trees bear fruit all year long.

Cooking destroys all life giving properties and most nutrients in foods, and also causes toxicity in the food which harms the body.  By far, cooking food is the greatest cause of disease for humans.  Stop doing it.

refer back to the "what actually constitutes food" guidelines if you forget what food is for your species!

Thank you so much for reading and congratulations for making it all the way to the end!  I know it was a long post, but this information is priceless for humanity.  If you have never eaten as a fruitarian or raw vegan before, then unfortunately you can't really comprehend how valuable this knowledge is.  But if you ever choose to live in accordance with nature and your body, it will be clear as day how important it is for people to know and apply this information.

If you're ready to learn more, or get started with changing your diet.  Here are a few resources that will be very beneficial and motivating to start eating properly.  Please check them out, and thanks again for reading! ;)

Click here to watch Dr. Robert Morse on YouTube.

Click here to watch John Rose on YouTube.

Click here to get the book: 80/10/10 Diet on Amazon.

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