Quality buds.. and growing them. Rawpride style...

in rawpride •  5 years ago 

And it's kind of funny when you hear about people talk about quality and they've never been to Oregon and scene the buds that we create.

Oh yes Portland Oregon has been the epicenter for cannabis cultivation for over 20 years however just like everywhere you have these ego-driven people who think that they can grow.

Let's take my stalker for example he doesn't even know how to water properly. And when I try to give him a little bit of advice he freaks out and acts like a total bitch.

Yes that's right somebody who thinks that he knows everything start something he has never done. Well of course just like always watch a couple of YouTube videos and you know more than a PhD.


now if you really want to talk about quality I could point you in a couple of directions and one of them happens to be a friend of mine that I used to sell weed to.

Maybe we could ask him.. I definitely can attest to the fact that this man knows quality inside and out.

This would be the same individual that I finally got into the medical marijuana community as well as finally got him growing as well.

this Gardener that we speak of happens to be extremely educated and will call me with a question and I will point him in the direction to go find his answers.

Someone who educates themselves puts themselves much farther ahead in life and at learning how to apply their knowledge then somebody who has an ego.

I have a feeling that my post is going to be seen by way more people...

And it's totally worth the flags from the world's most Petty grower on blockchain.

I mean if you're going to grow at least you should know what PH is.

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where is the master grower lighter from, love it

Got it from the cannacon.

Here is the other side...


Fuck the system, grow your own!

Learning how to pH is apparently a huge issue. For those farmers that can't they will never have quality.

I notice growers using a ton of nutrients without knowing if the roots are uptaking them. PH is very important! If growers want to take care of their plants properly, they should remember, soil health is just as important as fancy lights. Without proper soil ph its much harder to maintain a healthy living soil. Luckily it's not that hard to figure out and it's very cheap to get your self a ph kit that will get your plants growing on point. :) Stay Green!

The more you know!!! And didn't see this until now. Yep testing the soil and of course the pH fluctuations of fertilizer... Very important.

Now... Growing different strains makes this even crazier as they're needs and wants are at times completely different...

Yeah I've also noticed when you start growing multiple strains the amount of time spent doing these sort of things increases drastically. At one point I had 20 plants going at once. That was a full time job!

Yeah I always break down at around 30 strains. Not gonna get those 31 flavors at once. But I did have some.heady plants for sure.