Fuck It, Before It Fucks you #92 (You'll get the message by the time I'm through

in rbg •  4 years ago 

What’s up internet people? It’s Saturday night and it’s been a rainy weekend here in Seattle. Which is nice because now I can fucking breathe again. Usually I post these blogs on Friday, and I did write some stuff down with the intention of posting it yesterday, but then events happened in the world and made it seem a lot less relevant. So now I’m writing something completely different on the fly again.

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So of course what I’m talking about is a certain person's death. Not one of the millions of deaths that happen on a daily basis and largely go unnoticed. No, One of those people whose death actually matters. A certain Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Affectionately known as The Notorious R.B.G. on Facebook. Personally I was afraid this was going to happen right before the election. She certainly gets mad respect for me. She was a fighter for equal rights who stayed in the ring, even fighting through cancer, right up to the bitter end. I know women are mourning across the country today, and my heart is with them.
Buth what really makes me sad for all of us is that we live under a system where millions of people’s civil rights have to hinge on the life of an 87 year old women, A women who clung to life for as long as she could knowing that shit storm that would follow her death, or gods forbid, retirement. And that’s because we’ve been brainwashed to believe that rights are something given to us by some higher authority. They’re not. They’re something that has to be fought for and defended by everyone all the time. Someone on social media who’s name I didn’t bother to note said that the saddest thing about RBG’s death is that she won’t be mourned as a person who died, but as a defense wall that crumbled.
So obviously there’s the whole “realpolitik” element of the situation. Watched a clip of Bill Fucking Maher reacting to the news earlier. First thing his guest talks about is the impending appointment battle. Which is naturally set to be a superb shitshow. Personally, I think that if the Democrats in the Senate don’t do everything they can to stop Trump's nominee, like the Republicans did to Obama, then they’re not really quite as concerned about the Supreme Court as they’d like us to be.
Not that they really need to be. They’ll make certain that their daughters can get abortions if they need to. That’s the system we live in. When you rely on a higher authority to tell you what your rights are, it’s only natural that the people in charge are going to have more rights than everyone else. So it’s important for people to have someone like RBG fighting for them in high places, and we should certainly be concerned about who’s going to replace her. But it’s also critical to start examining the systems we live under and think about what we can replace them with.
So I usually like to close these things by working in the title at the end somehow, but that so often seems to result in a lot of awkward, clumsy and frankly unnecessary verbal gymnastics. Kind of a silly gimmick and not really in line with the spirit of the whole thing. “Fuck it, before it fucks you>” basically means to not waste time and effort trying to impress everyone and just do your thing.. So tonight I’m just going to say fuck it……before it fucks you. Fuck. Goodnight.

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