RBI Grade B Syllabus is similar to the syllabus of various other bank exams. The Grade B Officer written exam is conducted in two phases and the syllabus for both is set by the Reserve Bank of India.
The RBI Grade B syllabus for Phase-I comprises four sections: Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, General Awareness and English language. Phase-II exam includes three sections: economic and social sciences, English and Finance and Management.
Click here to Get More Information about the RBI Grade B Syllabus:- https://www.anujjindal.in/rbi-grade-b-syllabus-exam-pattern/
RBI Grade B Exam Pattern
The RBI Grade B exam consists of the following stages:
Phase – I Examination
Phase – II Examination
There will be slight variations in the individual topics asked in each stage of the examinations. To know more about other Government Exams conducted every year, visit the linked article.
The RBI Grade B exam pattern consists of two phases that are followed by an interview stage. The nature of the answers to be given by the candidate is also quite different, as Phase-I only contains objective questions.
In contrast, Phase-II requires test takers to write explanatory answers as well. Let’s have a look at the exam pattern for both of these stages.
RBI also conducts the exam for recruitment as Assistants in The Reserve Bank of India. However, the RBI Grade B Officer Exam is more sought after and tougher to qualify.
To know more about the RBI Exam Pattern, visit the linked article. https://www.anujjindal.in/rbi-grade-b-complete-info/