Best Practices for Building Large-Scale ReactJS ApplicationssteemCreated with Sketch.

in reactjs •  last year 

Best Practices for Building Large-Scale ReactJS Applications.

React is one of the most popular technology. Businesses, from large scale to small scale, have made it their default application development technology stack. It is due to the quality, flexibility, robustness, fast rendering, Stable code structure, and ease of use.

With large-scale businesses picking up ReactJS more often, developers are refining their skills to deliver the best product. They are researching best practices for Building Large-Scale ReactJS Applications. This article will discuss the best practices that Expert ReactJS Application Developers follow to build exceptional products. So, let us move to the practice part.

The Preparation practices

You have an idea, and you straight jump to write the code. Well, this practice might lead to a poorly built product. Although the preparation practices are not related to the actual coding part yet, they are important to consider to ensure smooth and effective product development. It also saves you the uncertainties arising later in the development phase.

Here are the important things to consider in the preparation process.

Determine views and components

It is very important for developers to actually plan the views and components on the paper. Some ReactJS developers directly build components through coding, which is not a great practice.

Draw the view of your app on paper or using a mock-up tool. You can better plan the information and data in your application. It will be easy for you to build the app when you determine the views and components inside it through mock-ups.

Plan in-app actions and events

When you lay down the view and components of your app, the next thing is planning actions inside them. It means what components will do when they are bought to action or click. To further clarify your in-app actions and events, you can even write the programming methods to be called.

Identify the centralized state

There are multiple components that have the same working. It is a great practice to identify Redux to form a centralized application's state and logic.

Master the version control

When working on large scale enterprise react projects, mastering version control unlocked efficient team leads. The version control issues can be:

• Restoration to a specific date
• Losing code block
• Editing the release without changing anything
• Creating and Tracking log changes

Here are the practices that you must enforce:

• Learning git commit, merge, stash, and fsck commands.
• Using Gitflow branching strategy
• Implementing proper naming in the development stages
• Tracking tasks in Jira

The above practices will let you master version control and manage your project efficiently.

Datasource, API, and Actions

When you build large scale applications, maintaining or updating the directory structure becomes complex. However, you can keep the Redux clean by following the below practices.

API design

The format in which data is transferred from the API and stored affects the layout. Different minds comment on different practices to keep the structure clean while transferring data from API. But, top reactjs application developers focus on the design of the API. For example, keeping the backend functionalists in separate functions. You will just call the function instead of coding the backend.

Arranging data source patterns

Setting up the data store is another great practice since it is directly used by redux actions.
Arrange can set datastore either by courier or without courier. Without a courier, you have to define GET, POST, and PUT separately for each model. With the courier approach, things take time to set up, but they are great for maintaining and updating the data store in the long run.

Use predefined actions

The usage of predefined actions is crucial to make the changes in data more predictable. Let the code live in the actions directory of your app development project.

Obey the naming conventions

Following the right naming is another important practice that is followed by top ReactJS application developers. Good naming lets you summarize what is going on. Developers ignore this and fall into an incomplete code that works fine on the compilation part but does not stand strong on the grounds of basic java-scripting.

Considering the dynamic UI at scale

Some elements of the UI are important to manage in order to build a great product.

Utilizing the full potential of the browser

Soft loading with the least suspense is always something that users want. And this is possible only by utilizing the browser to its full potential. For example, coding in such a style that if one process is loading, users can still perform another process that will work separately. To achieve this, you have to make sure that none of your modules are deprecated in the app. Wrapping components in React.suspense tag is a great practice to follow so that your main content keeps on loading without hurdling the other components.

Adaptive components

Repeating patterns emerge when you are building a large scale application. But, it shall be your practice that you differentiate between the same patterns. It can be in terms of the looks and feel of components. For example, you have to insert two boxes. Since they are the same, you can color them differently.

Other best practices to consider

There are some other best practices that you can follow as a ReactJS Developer.

• Sticking to coding standards: You can follow the developer's portal or official Java script documentation.
• Using Typescript: It will extend the Java Script developer experience.
• Detach logic from UI: It is always a great idea not to combine that programming logic in UI to boost readability.
• Planning your forms carefully: Client-side validation shall be flawless in the forms
• Modularization of the project: The tree configuration shall be followed to pursue maintainability and readability.
• Recoil and React-query: Using these will increase your coding speed by 3 times.


React is the most popular technology for building web and mobile apps. Technology has become so mature in recent years that it has evidently reduced the efforts of developers. Every project is different in terms of scalability and functionality, but building it right is crucial in every one of them. Large-scale apps, especially, require a strong focus on some important key factors to ensure the success of an application. The above practices will assist you in building robust ReactJS applications.

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