Free eBooks that you can download now!

in reading •  6 years ago 

As I try to better myself through diversifying my skills; I thought I would share some resources that I'm using. These resources have helped me through my schooling and in personal pursuits.  

This website references 800 free eBooks through the Gutenberg project 

They are all classic works. 

books include: 

 Prometheus Bound  by  Aeschylus


 Summa Theologiae  by   Thomas Aquinas 

 Aesop's Fables  by  Aesop 

 Collected Works by  Aristotle

The Stranger by  Albert Camus 

and many more (up to 800 books) by notable authors such as

  •  Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • Jane Austin 
  • Lewis Carroll
  • Agatha Christie
  • Cicero 
  • E.E. Cummings
  • Charles Darwin
  • Charles Dickens 
  • T.S. Elliot
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald 
  • Sigmund Freud
  • Isaac Newton 
  • Voltaire 
  • George Orwell 
  • Edger Allen Poe
  • William Shakespeare 
  • Leo Tolstoy 
  •  Oscar Wilde 
  • assorted religious texts
  • and more


OpenStax is an excellent resource that offers free peer edited textbooks made courtesy of Rice University.

Subjects include: 


  • Pre-Algebra
  • Algebra
  • Triginomotry
  • Pre-Calculus 
  • Calculus 1 -3 (college level) 
  • Business Calculus


  • Anatomy
  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Biology (Concepts)
  • Micro-Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics 1-3 (College Level) 


  • American Goverment
  • Economics (introductory) 
  • Macro-Economoics
  • Micro-Economics
  • Psycology
  • Socialogy


  • U.S. History

And with OpenStax CNX, a more open community that entails more than just the select few publishers syndicated for the regular OPenStax program. 

OpenStax CNX  Link: here

Subjects include: 

  • Applied Probability
  • Understanding Basic Music Theory
  • Programming Fundamentals: A Modular Structured Approach Through C++
  • Business Fundamentals
  • Elementary Algebra 
  • and more!
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