PETITION to bring back George Orwell's 1984 as mandatory reading

in reading •  2 years ago 

Bring back mandatory reading for high school to include George Orwell's 1984
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Stephan Unrau signed this petition

Stephan Unrau started this petition

The technology of the science fiction Epic is already in common place and easy to use however since 1999 this important piece of social literature and political sciences is no longer mandatory reading for grade school students and prevent our country from becoming more restrictive such as more authoritarian governments of the world who openly use the technology to control their population and prevent criminals from using it against regular citizens to prevent our country from becoming more like them sacrificing our Liberty for security in the words of kmfdm is an in politically correct form not a good idea so I suggest and these Echo the words of great scientists such as Robert E Duncan who quit his job working on top secret projects to stimulate discussion about this technology and how it relates to our freedoms because in his words and the words of other scientists the technology is already here and if people aren't talking about it they're going to do whatever they want with it they being scientists as you can read in Scientific American Wired Magazine MIT technology review and other scientific periodicals IEEE or from governments as mentioned restricted authoritarian governments who openly talk about using it in their country to prevent crime and revolution so it bothers me not only as a victim firsthand knowledge of this debilitating technology has no cure with the ministry of Public Safety or the Canadian government at all doesn't matter if it's your 14 year old daughter you're beautiful wife or your boss all of them including the people making your breakfast sandwich all of them can't get a cure from the government and would need hundreds of thousands of dollars and employee information scientists such as myself as well as specialist in the brain such as neuroscientists neuropathologist biotechnologist and electronic engineers to build technology you could use to protect yourself as an everyday North American or citizen of any free country with a massive proletariat medium and low income earners and 2/3 of the population either disabled or otherwise taking care of by the rest of the population in countries such as China and Russia countries I believe have every right to continue being as they are they openly use this technology and the lower level authorities don't laugh at people affected by it in fact as horrific as it sounds to North American or somebody from say Japan they gave the authorities this technology to invade and control the lives of the rest of the population as they saw fit and personally having experienced a transition in Canada over the last 5 years From a situation where a typical police officer knows less than a doctor but about as much as a plumber about what used to be top secret but is currently Modern Day science as known by anybody interested doctors such as one doctor's name such as those working from the organization freedom from covert surveillance also investigate this problem for everyday citizens and in the case of Electronic Frontier Foundation fathers for equal rights or International rights organizations such as the UN investigation on torture that is worldwide found free countries to be abusing this technology and specific cases in countries such as authoritarian ones there is no remedy as a forensic psychiatrist expert from China told me in Calgary Alberta and knowing full well coming from that country to this country we have a lot more freedom and privacy and personally I don't want police officers have access to Top Secret technology or as Warren Buffett says even facial recognition needs to be kept out of the hands of the authorities the problem is the corporations can subvert the law and use this technology without permission of the authorities and it's not illegal to subvert the law in this manner and they know already the dangers of this technology being misused misidentification of a common person with a prolific offender and vigilante justice as in the case of anonymous operations often fed with such things as deep fake evidence to support the cause of vigilante justice and the corrupt illusion of their local governments requiring such drastic measures anyways that said in short I'm personally tired iPhone of your average high school graduate who I'm trying to encourage to go to university for free and study what they enjoy so that they don't regret going to work on Monday morning I'm tired of explaining to them that the reason I'm not employed as an information scientist making hundreds of thousands of American dollars per year is not because I'm crazy but it's because the government and they are ignorant of this commonplace technology and I'd rather have them know about the problems postulated by George Orwell's epic 1984 before I speak to them and this incl especially not many doctors considering they went to school for so many years and most of them are older than me and know the technology is real but especially the low level authorities how many lectures would I have to I'm getting a long winded here but how many lectures would I have to give to them while they're handling an emergency situation for them to not throw me in a hospital and medicate me when they need to be applying for more funds to be spent on this technology currently in Canada I know of several teenage victims and I've spoken to several of them in person and they can't speak to the authorities or to other people about it because they have the same problem and it varies from Total horror when the parents and police of a young girl in Ontario have her fully medicated claiming she has extreme cerebral meltdown and total psychosis because she told them about somebody bothering her to a boy in Saskatchewan who's really respectful of the fact I'm dying for the cause of freedom but he just wants the war to be over and he can't wait to get on with his rap career to a waitress in Saskatchewan who believes her daughter is not crazy and came over to see if I was crazy and give her confidence to help her daughter and not medicate her anyways I'm pretty sure most the problems could be cleared up if you just make this book mandatory reading and it's the best science fiction book I've ever read so next to Isaac asimov's Foundation series you really should bring it back as mandatory reading the author died a few years after publishing the original copies of the book from 1948 in Canadian are the most valuable because the Canadian was published on the same day as the British cuz we're the same Commonwealth and there were less copies in Canadian printed and then the British is valuable in the American is the least valuable from 1948 the books worth over $2,000 for coffee without a jacket copies signed by George Orwell himself or so rare because he died shortly after publishing that you could ask anything you wanted for them and can't find them on sale you can't even find many of them on sale as it is and for a book to be 70 years old and worth over $2,000 throw out your Charles Dickens there's a reason for it bring it back to mandatory reading for grade 12 students there we go

If they stay the same we'll have a choice very soon to sacrifice our Liberty which is a physical pieces of paper that Define our freedom whether or not the legal system and the authorities enact those pieces of paper is a matter of your human rights and your judicial rights and generally not enforce unless you have money but people with money expect to be able to protect their families their loved ones and the ministry of Public Safety is responsible for this eventually people will agree to have a country or move to countries they use this technology openly and that means multiplying the abuses of their low level authorities for every case of inappropriate Force for every case of failure to protect for every missing and murdered or traffic human and a free country those victims and their families would literally regret not living in an authoritarian country and don't get me wrong with the secret technology which is 30 years in advance of the technology I speak about the government does abuse people but there is a foyer system in the United States and there are rights to protect people as well as the United Nations international human rights of which Canada has signed on 10 degrees with and that means that the UN inspectors that were here in Canada to inspect torture and unlawful detainment of a single person in Ontario could come in and investigate these cases but they're hardly taken seriously by the Canadian government and the ministry of Public Safety

So personally I don't like a Soviet c a n u c k istan and a satellite state being controlled by China is also unfavorable in my opinion as much as I respect these countries rights to exist and have their own laws within their own borders actually it would be necessary to protect those who need to leave these free countries like peace pink famous activist who walked onto a Chinese Embassy and saved her life other people who were deemed to be terrorists or spies and in some cases it's so bad American generals they use this technology have claims they would much rather see artificial intelligence determine who to radiate and who to automatically kill with their drones then human beings who are very greedy and personal and is so few cases have been brought to Justice where the authorities pursuing spies and terrorists like James Bond and vigilante bombers extremists killing innocent people have used the technology for their own personal ends such as in Pentagon BC where the corrupt RCMP have doctorate for murder people for decades and you can see this in the recent news articles with Constable Vance who assaulted a coworker who no doubt was investigating my friends disappearance and the main reason I've been a victim of this technology for 8 years

And if we do bring this back to mandatory reading at least when I'm speaking to a group of young men walking around after the bar in Calgary like I was a few hours ago they they seemed reluctant to write the minister of Public Safety on my behalf or take my advice on their career choices in technology after I explained to them the reason I'm not working as an information scientist dependent on non-disclosure agreements and holding passwords that are secret keys to databases of millions and millions of credit cards among other Secrets my job and Trust so it's difficult if none of them and I checked neither of them even heard of George Orwell's not 1984 and this is the same case with any of the authorities I've encountered so not sure if they will rate the minister and Take 5 minutes to write him mostly because they didn't believe mind reading was invented in the 70s Generals in the American Army have said by the 1990s they called it mind control technology cuz mind reading was so 1970s Cold War and every time they mentioned the Mind writing technology people lost their minds and needed to go to the hospital so it made their jobs difficult that was a retired American General even especially my lawyer even though I have a foot tall medical paperwork five of the smartest doctors psychiatrists friends like psychiatrists in the country I happen to have ever met and still my lawyer requires me to turn myself into an institution that has 1200 people detain some against their will for being Psychopaths sociopaths and other delusional or dangerous to society offenders who have not even necessarily broken the law but are mentally ill and unable to live mostly voluntarily prefer Institution and I'm to check into this institution to get a psychiatrist to read my foot tall Lord of the Rings medical history and they're not incompetent or simply refusing to believe it or refusing to pull the documents without requesting them I would be in trouble at least if I was dangerous and so in a country that had read this book my lawyer had not read this book they'd already know that I don't need to go to a hospital those kids would write the minister for me and at least one of them would get into computer technology to build this technology to protect his family at the very least world where Robert E Duncan is a Renown scientist for anybody interested in Sciences or brain technology or security or criminal justice or human rights where the Electronic Frontier Foundation has enough funds to take on more cases than just freedom of speech or freedom of thought and the freedom to disobey are debated and discussed thoroughly and not just in small Circles of computer nerds neuroscientists and other eclectic University classrooms.

The US House intelligence committee recently said publicly that all people should know what deep fake technology is it's the technology that created fake news and it's the technology that still our population is widely ignorant of the US House intelligence committee stated the more people that know what this technology is the safer our democracy will be and as an information scientist and human rights activist and for you to sign this petition and ask the minister of Education to enforce mandatory reading of George Orwell's 1984 for grade 12 graduates.

Because in the words of Robert E Duncan and a scientist by the name of Yanni who is on radio program ideas talking about advanced technology of the future and according to my review of the state of brain technology at the IEEE and Noam Chomsky the leading reading leading World linguist connect comics is nothing special c o n n e c t o m i c s is nothing special if you don't come up with something else to explain why this occurs it's like everybody knew what gravity was every single person knew what gravity was before the story of the Apple falling from the tree led to the discovery of acceleration and mass that the advanced state of brain technology in the hands of common scientists and according to Ray Kurzweil author of The Singularity is near renowned futurist optimistic futurist advancing technology which will advance faster than previously at an accelerating rate leading to the singularity a state of maximal Technology far beyond what one expects technology to advance that meaning as Yanni said they won't need us anymore and Robert E Duncan quit his job working on secret technology who doesn't speak about to Simply talk about publicly available technology and how it relates to American citizens and then the thousands of victims if not hundreds of thousands of already dead victims calling themselves targeted individuals and labeled by their free countries has mentally delusional or on drugs when simply the victims of nefarious technology and if something's not done about it it'll affect everybody's life as it has affected ours

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