Are you a pipeline builder or a bucket carrier?

in real •  8 years ago 

Once upon a time long, long ago, two ambitious young cousins that were best buddies and big dreamers named Pablo and Bruno lived side by side in a small Italian village.

They were both bright and hard working. One day an opportunity arrived when the village decided to hire two men to carry water from a nearby river to a cistern in the town square. Pablo and Bruno got the job, each man grabbed two buckets and headed to the river. By the end of the day, they had filled the town cistern to the brim.

"Bruno, I have a plan," Pablo said the next morning as they grabbed their buckets and headed for the river. "Instead of lugging buckets back and forth for pennies a day, let's build a pipeline from the village to the river." Bruno stopped dead in his tracks. "A pipeline! Whoever heard of such a thing?" Bruno shouted. "We've got a great job, Pablo. I can carry 100 buckets a day. At a penny a bucket that's a dollar a day! I'm rich! Pablo would work part of the day carrying buckets, and part of the day and weekends building his pipeline. He knew it would be hard work digging a ditch in the rocky soil.

The first few months Pablo didn't have much to show for his efforts. The work was hard, even harder than Bruno's because Pablo was working evenings and weekends too. But Pablo kept reminding himself that tomorrow’s dreams are built on today’s sacrifices. During his rest breaks, Pablo watched his old friend Bruno lug buckets. Bruno's shoulders were more stooped than ever. He was hunched in pain, his steps slowed by the daily grind. Bruno was angry and sullen, resenting the fact that he was doomed to carry buckets, day in, day out, for the rest of his life.

Finally, Pablo's big day arrived, his pipeline was complete! The villagers crowded around as the water gushed from the pipeline into the village cistern! Now that the village had a steady supply of fresh water, people from around the countryside moved into the village and the village prospered. Once the pipeline was complete, Pablo didn't have to carry buckets anymore. The water flowed whether he worked or not. It flowed while he ate. It flowed while he slept. It flowed on weekends while he played. The more the water flowed into the village, the more money flowed into Pablo's pockets! Pablo the Pipeline Man became known as Pablo the Miracle Maker.

The pipeline drove "Bruno The Bucket Man" out of business, and it pained Pablo to see his old friend begging for drinks at the tavern. So, Pablo arranged a meeting with his old friend. "Bruno, I've come here to ask you for your help." Bruno straightened his stooped shoulders, and his dark eyes narrowed to a squint. "Don't mock me," Bruno hissed. "I haven't come here to gloat," said Pablo. "I've come here to offer you a great business opportunity. It took me more than two years before my first pipeline was complete, but I've learned a lot during those two years.

The excerpt above is taken from the book Parable of the Pipeline by Burke Hedges.

Who are you?

A pipeline builder or a bucket carrier?

If you are like most of society you follow the bucket carrying plan that pays you only if you work. But what happens when you go on vacation, sleep, go to the gym, want to retire by 40?

In those cases, your income stops as soon as you stop carrying buckets. Proving the concept of a "secure job" as simply an illusion. An illusion put out by society keeping you in the rat race, working to just pay bills, for as long as you are around.

What if that wasn't always the case?

What if I could show you how you could start building your very own pipeline today giving you money month in and month out. For example, let me show you what my pipeline produces each month as of this year...

Monthly Cash Flow 2.png

How did I create this pipeline for myself?

The answer lies in investing in cash-flowing real estate.

REAL estate that produces recurring income no matter if I’m exploring South America, at the gym, or even sound asleep.
This course is the first of its kind. It is designed to teach you how to create your very own cash-flowing real estate pipeline.
Not only that, I’m going to do you one better: I’m going to give you a real life, behind the scenes look into how this is done as I go through the process of purchasing a 10-20 unit property with you by my side!

You will be right there (on camera of course) with me as I analyze properties, talk to lenders, view properties, rehab properties, and manage this as a business providing me income every single day.

This course is going to give you all the tools needed to scale your operation as big as you can dream.

Spend the energy up front to build your pipeline to reap the rewards later.

To join me on this adventure and to be a part of this early beta group be sure to follow the link below...

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