How to do real estate marketing during Chinese New Year

in realestate •  2 years ago 

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Real estate marketing during Chinese New Year can be a tricky endeavour, as many potential buyers and sellers may be preoccupied with family gatherings and celebrations. However, with some careful planning and a bit of creativity, you can still make the most of this festive time of year to promote your properties and grow your business.

One strategy to consider is to target international buyers, as many Chinese people living abroad may be in the market for a new home during their visit to families. By creating marketing materials that are translated into Mandarin or Cantonese, and highlighting the cultural amenities and attractions near your properties, you can appeal to this demographic and make a strong impression.

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Another approach is to focus on virtual tours and online marketing. With many people avoiding in-person gatherings, virtual tours can be a great way to showcase your properties and make it easy for potential buyers to view them from the comfort of their own home. You can use social media platforms, video conferencing apps, or even virtual reality technology to create an immersive and engaging experience for your audience.

Additionally, you can take advantage of the festive atmosphere of the holiday by hosting open houses or other events that are designed to appeal to Chinese buyers. For example, you could host a traditional Chinese New Year banquet or offer special discounts or promotions to buyers who close a deal during the holiday period.

It's also important to remember that the Chinese new year is a time of giving and good luck, so consider incorporating this theme into your marketing materials. You can create ads or flyers that feature images of red lanterns, gold ingots, or other symbols of good fortune, and include messages that wish your potential buyers and sellers a happy and prosperous new year.

Overall, real estate marketing during Chinese New Year requires a bit of extra thought and planning, but by targeting international buyers, using virtual tours and online marketing, hosting festive events, and incorporating Chinese New Year themes into your marketing materials, you can still make the most of this festive time of year to promote your properties and grow your business. #gongxifattchoi

Originally published at on January 20, 2023.

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