Reality: Yours, Mine and Ours

in reality •  8 years ago  (edited)

Our reality is really what we observe about reality. If we don't know about it then it doesn't exist for us.

The double slit experiment also shows us that reality presents itself to us depending on our point of view or how we observe it. But then again, we are only observing what we observe within a consensus. Perhaps that is limiting too? Since no human has the exact perspective or point of view as another, we are all unique individuals living in our own realities. Of course, there is a consensus on what exist and what doesn't but how we experience the stuff in consensus reality is unique to each individual. For example: I could be standing next to someone observing a star in the sky. My experience of a star in the sky may be extremely similar visually to the person standing next to me but my understanding or imagination about stars will influence my whole reaction and thoughts are completely different than the other person. So, are we still observing the same star if our perception of the star is completely different? The person standing next to me might give their interpretation of their perception of the star and expect me to take that on since this is truth for them. While my perception and perspective is totally different. Which perspective is legitimate. Mine, theirs, both or none? I would say both our unique individual experiences are legitimate but they are unique to our individual consciousness.

So, reality is unique and legitimate to each individual whether it is agreed upon by many or none. It is hard to communicate though without some general consensus. This general consensus is decided by whom? Does science tell us how to think about a star in the sky? Is that more legitimate than my own individual perception of that star. What if I think that that star is simply a hole in a big black sheet covering a giant light bulb beyond? Is that less legitimate because science says stars are something else. And, what if we are both wrong? What if everything that we are experiencing is simply a result of our imagination? What if everything is consciousness and reality is simply created by consciousness and the only reason we agree on anything in consensus reality is because we are taking on the imagination of others instead of creating a universe of our own? Or, perhaps our unlimited consciousness decided to limit itself to a consensus reality in order to experience something different, learn something or just have fun with it? Hard to know from a limited consciousness perspective. Maybe this is what we are trying to figure out? That we are limitless beings and that we can individually imagine any universe we want and populate it with anything we want. That there is no limitation to imagination that we are infinite and immortal. Wow! What a concept. But then again, here is our consciousness seemingly stuck inside of a human body with limited senses. But, every once in a while someone breaks the consensus about reality with some indisputable paranormal or supernatural seeming ability to predict the future, change matter with thought, talk to dead people, have near death experiences, etc. Some people would say that this is impossible but that is from their individual perspective. Should we take on other people's individual limited perspective just because they say so?

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insightful view!

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