Our Symbiotic Relationship With Reality

in reality •  7 years ago 


Everything is Energy; Energy is everything, fundamentally.

Reduce anything down into progressively smaller parts: Scale down molecularly, atomically, sub-atomically; now go quantum. Soon enough we will find “nothing” left to reduce; only space. Albeit, it is not empty space after all, but charged. Literally charged. It's energy.

The quantum realm is where physics gets weird. It’s the domain of paradox. And although paradox is entirely subject to perception (relativity) the quantum realm simply does NOT abide by the laws postulated by Newton (Newtonian Physics). You could also call Newton's model of the universe, the physics of the 3D. Like it or not, it’s entirely relative when Quantum physics steps in. In fact, where Newtonian Physics was once thought to be THE explanatory model for the physical universe, it must now be re-understood as being but a vantage point within reality, offering to us observers, one perspective.

The physics of the third dimension are predictable & stable. They can be calculated, fit within a comfortable mathematical framework and reality can therefore by maneuvered in the ways that we best know (e.g.: Keep Jimmy away from the ledge!) Just because Newtonian physics no longer apply at the quantum level does not mean that they cease to operate. It’s just that predictability in the conventional sense cannot be expected.
In “From Believing to Knowing”, I briefly touched on this subject and pointed out that the experimenter's expectation determined the observed behaviour of light (whether it took on shape as a particle or as a wavelength) in controlled laboratory experiments.

This is revolutionary and just fucking mind-blowing.

Not only was the light taking on one form or the other, it was proving to be adaptive. Light is energy; specifically, an observable spectrum of frequency. Did you know that the visible spectrum of light only accounts for some 1% of the entire material universe? And what we already know of the visible universe is that it’s too big to know anything of significance anyway! But within the stream of the current point to be made, if we can influence the behaviour of light (and literally modulate its shape) then we can modulate physical reality too. Let me explain how:

Add a touch of neuroscience into the mix and we begin to understand that what we see is entirely due to the neurocircuitry between our eyes and our brain. The eyes are essentially specialized sacks, packed full of light receptors. There exist a few variations of the receptor within the eye, but essentially each one is designed to pick up on and translate a specific frequency into the experience of that colour and other experiential qualities that constitute the experience of sight. The key thing to grasp here is the translation bit: Specialized photo-receptors fitted to receive and interpret the visible spectrum (which is only visible because of the photo-receptors, to begin with) translate that light energy into electrical energy, from which an image of what we see is arranged
What we see therefore is not literally as it is. "Arranged" is intentionally used. The brain is but interpreting the signals it receives and puts together an interpretation of reality.

If it were not for light bouncing off seemingly solid objects and imprinting the shapes of it’s most recent ricochet unto our ocular system, we would not have the experience of sight (photoreceptors aside). The harmony in design between the human vessel and “reality” is too perfect to pawn off on mere chance- or even evolution at that (Seriously, even if we did evolve from primates, we certainly didn’t go fumbling around waiting to develop photoreceptors in our heads).
Which leads me to believe that the relationship between light and the system built to interpret it is of special importance, even symbiotic.

(Take note any system in the body and you will notice a direct relationship between the system and the substrate intended to produce a specific experience. Example, molecules fit perfectly into receptor sites in the nasal cavity to produce the experience of smell; same goes for molecular systems within the body such as the sodium-potassium pumps, which regulates some of our nerve cell functions. Sound works in almost the same fashion as light by the way; we’ve got microfibers in our inner ear structure and every single one vibrates to a frequency of its resonance. Therefore, mechanical energy is translated into electrical energy and what we hear is the resonance created by the sound/energy wave).

See, 3D physics has always assumed that we just happen to be in the universe; participants, subject to its laws and cycles. But the fact that we’re wired perfectly to receive impressions of and interpret “reality”, combined with the above bit on light modulation leads me to suspect that we are of the universe, instead. To be "of" the universe means that we are not separate organisms living within the container of "it" but are functional parts/aspects of it (much like the organelles of our cells are specialized parts of the cell and not merely entities living within its container without functional relationship to the cell). But we wouldn't know that these bits serve a vital role in larger macrocosms (the cell, the organ, the system the whole human body) if we were not able to scale up and out and observe the relationship across these points of perspective.

Either through the thought-process happening here or visionary state of "no-self" will we recognize that we are constituent and functional parts of a larger, unified system or organism.

The trap (and illusion) of ego is that we cannot recognize our place within the larger organism that is the universe while we are believing ourselves to be otherwise (It's like the mitochondria, for example being so preoccupied with their own idea of their existence that they failed to notice their relationship & kinship to, all other organs within the cell-not to mention the fact that relationship speaks of service to the greater whole).
Ever heard the saying, “You are the Universe experiencing itself”. Well, there you go. We are the experiential aspects of the universe, perfectly designed to experience itself.
Could the discovery of the quantum world then be an expression of the collective mind evolving beyond its identification with the 3D? I reckon so.

Enter the 5D realms and we need to allow for a far more flexible model of reality: one in which we begin to understand our function and purpose within a greater and unified system. This is exactly what is required of us now if we are to translate the insights available to us into practice and live a harmonious existence aligned with the pathways intended for us and highest good of all.

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