RE: The soul is our legacy of beliefs

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The soul is our legacy of beliefs

in reality •  8 years ago 

The Soul is the spark of God that is placed in each one of us before our descent into these Lower Worlds oh so very long ago.

The Soul, the Perfect part of us, the Soul that which is now smothered by the physical phenomenal world saturated by the five gross senses and five subtle senses. Soul is further enmeshed in illusions of feelings from the Astral Plane! Soul is then even further entrapped by the five passions of the mind and three guna's of action, inaction and rest or Rajas, Tamas and Sattwa. The mind is even trapped in the various realities of Lust, Greed, Anger, Vanity and Attachment and further more to karma that represents ALL of it's previous causes and their ensuing effects.

Unless you're a self-realized being one can only identify with with either one's physical body and it's conditions, the emotions and one's thoughts. If you're thinking you're on the casual body's time-track and that exists two dimensions below where the Soul can first be recognized.
Most "teachings" these days mix-up the higher emotions at the Heart chakra for the Soul residing three chakras higher.
Once Soul is contacted a person will live by it's vastly greater connection to God and that is Knowing, Being and Seeing which manifests as Love, Power and Wisdom here on the physical or Pinda Plane.

It truly is at this time the Journey Home has just begun. Transcend the physical and the higher planes become available.

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Beautifully said!