The Bigger Steem Picture: The Fake Sound Of Progress - Biting The Bullet(s)

in realitycheck •  5 years ago  (edited)

Steem is home for many of us and we should treat it that way.

Below are down-to-earth thought-provoking concepts to help people snap out of it to see bigger picture they've clearly lost sight of.

A nice song to play as you read:

Real Talk:

  • If people care about Steem so much, why do they spend inordinate amounts time tearing it and Steemians down? If you're going to bring something down, you better f'in know how to build or inspire something better. Stop being abusive. There are some bright people here, as well as some not-to-bight people here, but we're all on the same team and need to work together to survive.

  • Hope is NOT a strategy. SMTs, tribes, tokens, or a new killer app will never save Steem when greed, collusion, and divisive behavior hold us back. Hope will not deliver a single result. Actions and effort = results.

  • We have some nice apps and some lame ones, but should we be happy with this modest progress after 3 years? Recruiting more devs is an absolute must. Forget global adoption, we need to get dozens of new devs to adopt or else we'll go extinct as other chains catch up. Guess what? Devs know devs, and they'll recruit more for us.

  • We've got 99 problems, but price shouldn't be one. You only incur a loss when you sell, and paper profit is a waste of time to be concerned with. All of crypto is down, so equating Steem price with its success is amateur at best. If Steem was $10, most of our issues would still exist, and probably plenty of new ones.

  • Kickin' it and bitchin' on Discord/Slack all day is spinning our wheels for virtually no value. Temporary therapy and morale helps, but reallocating 95% of that time back on chain could do us all a world of wonders for countless reasons. These crutches might very well be hurting Steem more than helping. Break the dependency on third party platforms and develop something to get massive amounts of attention/traffic back on chain.

  • Instead of fighting with and taunting bad actors, BE a good actor. Leave your ego at the door because it doesn't do much good when you try to flex it on a blog or chat room (the nerdy immature way to do it). When you stand tall, they grow small. For God's sake, it's in the Bible: "Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you yourself will be just like him." Regardless, many can't resist and end up compounding the negative energy by stimulating trolls.

  • Getting your nose in everything isn't scalable, sustainable, or productive. Laser focus on a few quality initiatives is the will yield quality tangible results that can truly improve our system. Will tribes help this or will they park themselves off-chain on Discord and sling mud at the wall as well?

  • If Steem goes to $0 and fades away, the relationships we made will be our greatest return. With this in mind, why not build, respect, and enjoy those relationships while we're all here together. Let your guard down with those who have earned it to let the collaboration/building on and off Steem begin.

People religiously take good people for granted and it makes me sick. We're all human... even the bot owners, and maybe Gina in 5 years.

  • Read Neil Young's lyrics and think about what Steem could be if we stop being so negative with our thoughts and impulsive judgment to see that we're all on the same team here.

"Hate was just a legend
And war was never known
The people worked together
And they lifted many stones.
And they carried them
To the flatlands
But they died along the way
And they built up
With their bare hands
What we still can't do today."

I could go on and on, but you get the gist.

We have endless opportunity at our fingertips, just a few strategic conversations or developments away. Find your strengths and bring them to the table in a collaborate/leadership fashion. Help people grow and learn. Help Steemit grow and learn. Don't fault others for what you don't like, as that's the one of the greatest signs of weakness I can imagine.

We all need to put our differences aside to come together while we can, before we're divided too much to seal our fate.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Thanks for reading. These are my humble opinions. I'm on no high horse. I just want to spark some good discussion and offer some insight for people who may have lost their way.

Two other recent thought-provoking posts:

Real Talk About Friends On Steem... Or Lack Thereof - ~100 comments!

Karma Police... 1 BTC = 59,300 Steem Today... A Wake Up Call To Steem Whales

Thank you,

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Hi Matt

I written about the 'dangers' of Discord in the past but feel that at present, with there being so few of us, it's the best way to get to know your peers. Saying that, the rooms don't appeal and I'd rather a small group or one-to-one, except if there is a live voice chat event.

Admittedly I'm feeling quite drained at present and do feel that I've put a reasonable effort in for Steem, without coming up with anything ground-breaking. It's time for me to take a step back and collect some fiat, which I will likely be bringing here, much to the confusion of some :)

I remember that post well from another time we touched on this. After spending some time in a few rooms, I'm trying to just have fun and not have high hopes that any type of friendships will come out of them. Most are sort of shooting the sh*t and banter about Steem, or a vent for complaining/gossip. All in all, it's good to have an outlet like that on Discord versus on the chain.

Keep your chin up. I know you're quite tied to Steem and are a model adopter, so I hope your dedication and faith pay off. It's obviously taxing with the way things have been for a while, so refocusing on getting some external funds is wise. If you do look to reinvest that $ into more Steem, I'd humbly suggest diversifying a little bit into BTC for the long run. If Steem doesn't go as planned, spreading your risk out a little more could be a big deal.

Ah, yes i did wonder if i'd shared it with you before.

Thanks, I will be looking to take your advice this next year or so while i try to gather some funds together - not everything will go into Steem, if things go well then what I've collected so far will be OK. Cheers.

you are a goddamn gift to the world, asher <33333333333333333333

aww :) you are too kind! I have a lot to live up after this comment!


If people can just be less invested in self-interests and short-term gain and realize that we are surrounded by other HUMAN BEINGS just like ourselves and connect and lift each other UP.......

.....instead of bothering with who gets what, who gets how much, why are those people getting that much, grumblegrumblegrumble, politicking and tearing each other down, and feeling like THE BIG MAN for dropping hot takes, and just behaving terribly......

aaaah well


at least, we found each other and some other good eggs, too XD;;;;;; SILVER LINING! i clutch at them desperatelyyyyyy aaaaaaaaa

lol your a spider and i'm a lego. no human here :)

You are the egg of a Golden Goose. You have quite a good head on your shoulders, and I'm not kidding. All of your comments are like medicine.

So very true.....
I do like the rewards, but if Steem faded away I am sure it would be like I lost my best friend.
I tell people I “talk” to people around the world!
How special is this blockchain!🤗👍

Posted using Partiko iOS

We are certainly lucky to be able to have an interface like Steem to allow us to meet new people, learn about them, and stay connected. If more people were like you, that'd change things for the better and we'd be in a better boat. A lot of people are simply here to hide, push people down, and shovel as much ROI as they can out here without any concern for the humanity of this place.

Thank you so much @steemmatt, there will always be bad actors but we do have something special here!👍🤗

Posted using Partiko iOS

The music helped <3

You're right. Currently I'm a bit tired but that comes and goes. Just going into wait mode and see what HF21 does for/against us. Hugs.

You helped me stick around to find that music that helped. Keep working on yourself outside of this little realm, and Steem will do whatever Steem is meant to do, hopefully to our pleasant surprise.

You have just said absolutely the truth. It can be bitter for some people to accept but that is just the truth

Preach on preacha!!!

''What we still can't do today''
We have got to start learning the skills again before it's too late!

Please see my last post and get to work!!!

Alright copy! 😂