Veronica Mars - Always Veronica Never Veronica - Review TV

in realityhubs •  5 years ago 

I don't know how many people will be happy for this return. Honestly, I don't know if most of you know who or what Veronica Mars is, or if you could ever even see any chapter or fragment of the series. It is clear that we are not facing a mass phenomenon: three seasons between 2004 and 2007, the pilot of a fourth and a film made by crowfounding some years ago. It's not Breaking Bad, of course.


Of course it is unfortunate that this happens. Veronica Mars is probably one of the best detective series that exists since 2000 to this part. Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell, its protagonist, were ahead of much of the social discussions of the time. It may be wrong for me to say that I am male, white, straight-cis and the sea by car, but it is difficult to think of a teenage series that has put feminism so present. A strong protagonist, intelligent, independent, not sexualized and with conflicts that transcended a mere casual romantic interest. Even in various passages of his argument, the program dabbled in issues not as problematized at the time as violent relationships, suicides or sexual abuse and rape culture.


Although they were only three seasons, the series created by Rob Thomas generated a small cult of fans that, added to the popularity that Kristen Bell, its protagonist, was achieving year by year, increased considerably with the passage of time. Those who are reading this note and have seen the series for sure will remember that unease when the series was canceled after that teaser of the fourth season that showed Veronica as an FBI intern.

Now, if they came here and never saw a chapter of the series, they will ask, what the hell is this guy talking about? Well, let's see. Veronica Mars tells the story of a teenager who became a private investigator (Kristen Bell). Together with his father, Keith (Enrico Colantoni), a former town commissioner, they have a research agency, Mars Investigations, in Neptune, a small coastal town in a fictional California.

In its first two seasons the series replicated the famous slogan of big hell boy town. From a student tragedy and the death of her best friend, Veronica ended up involved in the darkest face of her city. The war between gangs, the abuses of the wealthy and the miseries of the powerful were the order of the day.


After solving this first great story arc, the series moved us to the university life of the protagonist. There we followed Veronica and her friends in their different adventures. Among the many topics discussed (discrimination, abuse of power, acceptance of sexual dissent, etc.), the season focused on the culture of rape and sexual abuse.

The fourth season planned a lot of elements of interest. In particular, Veronica went as an intern to the FBI and we watched her work more complex and far-fetched cases than what we were used to. Unfortunately, the scriptwriters' strike and the low rating meant that there was only a small pilot / teaser left of the whole idea who never officially saw the light.

For many years everything was sadness and nostalgia, Kristen Bell gained some fame and the idea that Veronica Mars could continue was always latent but seemed to be more a proclamation than something that had some potential to materialize. Luckily some things were headed and in 2014, after raising $ 5,702,153 for a Kickstarter campaign, a movie that officially continued the story was released. The film, which was also called Veronica Mars dryly, narrated Veronica's return to Neptune after many years. There we witnessed the return of all the iconic characters of the series who came together for a meeting of graduates while our protagonist investigated the murder of a former schoolmate and sought to save the potatoes of his eternal and conflicted ex-boyfriend Logan (Jason Dohring ).


The amague of the film was very tempting. No year passed in which a possible return of the series was not rumored. Moreover, at the time of streaming multiplatforms, not speculating on the return was almost an unforgivable sin.

Luckily this last happened. Hulu took the post and produced an 8-episode miniseries that serve as a fourth-season luck. The plot of these chapters is centered on a series of pseudo-terrorist attacks that are lived Neptune. We observe a Veronica already quite adult and installed in her hometown, assuming with her father the family business.


A Review Personal

How could it be otherwise, the season includes with great intelligence and naturalness the current political and social discussions, the role of the media, big data, the deep web and an endless number of etcetera. Also, so as not to betray, it brings us some surprising dramatic moments that act as a fairly low blow.

I do not write this large number of words in order to review the season. If they got there it is because they saw the previous ones. If they did and decided to move forward with this new batch of chapters, they will find all the best that the pair Rob Thomas / Kristen Bell can give us. If I take the job of writing this is to tell the rest, those people who do not know what the hell I am talking about, that their lives are sad and unhappy, but that they can improve if they run away in terror to see Veronica Mars.

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Though I do not like the story of the movie, I believe your review gave good information. On the other hand, I couldn't find your rating (necessary) for the movie.

Hint: Using headings and subheadings in your posts will make it more easy to understand and more interesting to read. (Introduction, Cast, Story, Personal Thoughts, Rating, etc.)

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