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Wow this is epic Kenny. Thanks for the shout out :) Surely this is some kind of advanced magic where the book writes its self before our eyes!

Up to this point a read a view of your posts and I'm fascinated.
Interesting to read about what is going on in your head.
Life for sure isn't always easy but it is about getting the control and to live the a life in physical and mental freedom and peace.

Your vision with the book is very interesting to me.
I think unfortunately a can't support you with stories and content, but what I can do is do help spreading your message so that eventually more people know about this.

A first step is to resteem your post.
keep on going man!

That is such a cool idea, Kenny. The index so far looks incredibly interesting. I have already found a topic or two which I would love to write. We talk more on Discord.

we moves just like game . its true. real life means a lot . this philosophy is extraordinary . thanx for share

My cousin once said, jokingly:

"Real life. Terrible game, but the visuals are amazing!"

I wonder what kind of criteria he was using to decide it's a terrible game? THE most open world, variety packed, decision-influenced, MASSIVE game ever. Literally every other game we know of exists within this one...

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The elements of real life and the games they impose are really fantastic if we analyze them from a broad perspective. I believe that life is a box of surprises that we often know, and that have nothing to do with what we think or act. Life is unique, good or bad, we only have one.

So you are going to make a real Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy?! I've got my towel, count me in!!

Pretty much!

Excelente post, good work

Loving the idea, the themes, and the basic approach.

This is awesome. I'd love you to send me the Google doc. There's plenty there that I would love to write about, and I'm hoping I will find the time. What an amazing vision.