RE: Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

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Get Out of Your Comfort Zone!

in realliferpg •  7 years ago 

I would rather say, get out of your comfort zone and get into the comfort zone of God's Grace. That would also mean that when out heart is established with the Grace of God, our comfort becomes the comfort of God's Grace. So, "Your" becomes "U+OUR". "U+OUR" is indeed God's comfort + My comfort. So, for understanding all this we need to dedicate ourself to the Grace of God, more than anything else.

Then, the real victory begins, earnings are made simple and we earn by doing things that we love to do. There is true freedom in "YOUR" comfort when we are being led by the spirit of God. So, now, I have observed that I am staying in my comfort instead of coming out of it. Think upon it!

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