forest problem

in realy •  7 years ago 



Forrest is importante for live.
They are no avalable in earth so no live everybody.
The main problems of forest management in Moldova are: consumerist approach of the forest fund; the superficial management of indirect economic functions and ecological functions; illegal logging, overgrazing, massive pollution with domestic waste; the closed character of decision making in the forestry sector; the limitation of population's access to forest lease land and the abuses in this field; cumulating and duplication of management functions; the inefficient realization of evaluation and integrated monitoring of forest fund, especially in the communal forests.
today time is moderen technology .we have progress is very fast but we are not need free gift of nature .
They are police distroy in worl

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really good post thank for sharing this post

Realy very big problem is coming are post is good knowledgefull.


Thanks give me suggetion.thank u.