Philosopher Stefan Molyneux tackles listener questions from Facebook!
"I've been procrastinating and stuck in the past for 19 years and can't stand the aging process. What can be done?"
"Was Plato's Republic a political project or a metaphorical work of irony?"
"Do we have free will or are we all determined, such as sapolsky or harris says we are?
"What is morality and is there an absolute and objective morality?"
"Not philosophy question but I am wondering why you don't regularly chime in on current events? Not as often as before as far as I can tell."
"How do we decide on what should be the proper functions of government??"
"Do you think the NAP is coherent with human nature? Or, conversely, aren't humans (as all animals) aggressive by nature?"
"Why is it that I can philosophise all day but as soon as someone asks me to do so, mind blank ? Could a topic jog a process for this maybe ?"
"If we create the world around us with our minds and those signals could easily be messed up how does one fundamentally believe their reality is real or just imagined. If we manifest our reality are we creating our own adversity to overcome."
"At what age can a male or female make sexual choices for his or her self?"
"With all your talent and skills and added value you brought to the world in it's time of need, why of Why did you ever stop producing your 'The truth about...' videos??? 😭😭
"Please return to what you were Meant to do! The world needs you! 🙏🏻"
"What are good techniques to introduce such philosophy to people who have gone astray?
"I grew up in and live in a pretty leftist area, but there are also a lot of people on the far right who could use philosophy, virtually everyone I know is a statist that doesn't even know the definition of anarchy, much less the underlying principles. The problem I tend to encounter is that people on both sides tend to think that logic and reason that doesn't fit their programming must be on the opposite extreme relative to where they're at.
"It seems like anything rational is often opposed strongly by at least one "side", and often both sides.
"I was fortunate to be going through some stuff that required me to open my mind to new ideas in order to survive and\or thrive, some would call it the gift of desperation. How does one approach people who aren't even willing to have an open mind?"
"What the heck are you meant to actually do with Hegelian dialectics? My head hurts."
"The Euthyphro dilemma is found in Plato's dialogue Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, 'Is the pious (τὸ ὅσιον) loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?' (10a)"
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