in reason •  14 days ago 

Stefan Molyneux is now offering private one-on-one consultations for business, personal, morality, parental or philosophical issues.

"During a private call-in I felt more relaxed compared to a public call-in, which I had in the past. I didn’t censor myself for fear of being judged by the future audience, and my communication was clearer thanks to this. We were able to discuss a lot of topics and I have received the clarity that I was looking for when it comes to some personal issues. You know how good Stef is at coaching, piercing through contradictions and pointing out obvious truths that the caller is avoiding or not seeing. Well this private conversation was an even more effective version of a call-in."

"Within less than 2h with Stefan, we were able to really go deep and methodically get to the root of my situation. The private setting is invaluable, as you can be fully open and not feel pressured by time or by other people's perception. Highly recommended and much appreciated. This is truly one of the greatest conversations."

"I called Stef in a private call to gain clarity on the issues I have in my life, and with his usual laser-beam moral clarity and sharp questions, he was able to slice through my defenses and excuses to get down to the heart of the matter, humble me, and provide me with practical steps to take in the direction for getting what I really want in life."

Book yours today:

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