Insight into the Gnostic image known as the REBIS. NOTE: There is also (shown here) a DC Comic figure / hero part of the cult characters known as the "DOOM PATROL" which is also known as Rebis or Negative Man -
The DC Rebis or Negative Man and Doom Patrol was Created by: Bob Haney, Arnold Drake and Bruno Premiani
The Rebis was a Radioactive "soul-self" capable of flight, intangibility and could generate minor explosions upon contact with any positive energy, and also could (temporarily at least) astrally project.
This comment page is NOT about the DC Comic version. I include information and pictures from that ONLY because it makes some interesting side-trips into the Gnostic versions or Secrets regarding the Rebis concept and perhaps expand on it.
In the DC version, Rebis: or Larry Traynor, becomes contaminated by Radiation and turned into "Negative Man" and must wear mummy-like wrapping to safeguard those he/she comes into contact with from the dangerous radiation. He finds he not only has special powers now but also is now 'one with' or part of a trio of (three separate past lives?) who are both male and female - each with their own special abilities and strengths and weaknesses. The DC Comic Rebis character corresponds interestingly to the Gnostic concept of the REBIS. Here is a graphic from the DC Comics Rebis when Larry Traynor discovers he is no longer Larry but now is THREE.
Pictures from DC Comics artists:
Notice the SQUARES and the three in the above graphic
This is precisely what the GRAND CROSSES (Multiple) and squares would look like on an Astrolgy Natal chart of someone born with Jupiter oppose Mars, Sun Oppose Saturn, Moon Oppose Venus with Mercury conjunct Sun in Gemini with everything square everything else lined up with another Grand Cross on the Imum Coeli and Nadir opposition Sun at midnight and lined up with Ascendant square to Sun. Notice the Square and triangle also in the Gnostic Rebis.
Now look at the following graphic from a 1617 woodcut called "the Rebis" which is used extensively in Gnostic teachings. You will notice the 7 visible planets encoded into the graphic along with the male/female (hermetic hermaphrodite) two headed TWIN with it's feet on the Dragon which is in turn covering the Earth as if to say the dragon is now conquered. Notice the crown is Mercury? Look carefully at the positions of the planets in the remaining stars. Once could say they are in opposition positions - and square positions. Each to the planet shown linked by the line to the planet directly opposite. (In this case as in astrology, the moon and sun are considered Planets since they are heavenly bodies. Your feet is on the earth. The earth symbol contains the 3 and the 4. A three /four triangle is a recurring important Gnostic (and Masonic) symbol.
From 1617 German Woodcut
Theoria Philosophiae Hermeticae (1617) by Heinrich Nollius
Unlike what you usually will read or hear regarding Rebis. I would point out that this woodcut with the planets connected by lines may actually point to an actual astrological chart configuration. Someone whose Crown of Mercury and DUAL or TWIN nature points to an Astrological "GEMINI" with the following aspects: Saturn oppose Sun. Moon opposition Venus. Jupiter opposition Mars. With Mercury (no connection but since it is the crown planet of Gemini and the TWINS are prominently front and center it is assumed that Mercury is "combust" the Sun since the Sun would be in Gemini and Mercury would most likely be near the sun. If that person had a specifically do, re, mi (mi miracle) 528 HZ Frequency configuration in her chart then it would be interesting indeed.
First here are some basic insights into the Gnostic Rebis:
The Gnostic or Hermetic Rebis drawing from 1617 (NOTE: Hermes is also another name for Mercury which crowns this figure) - the first dichotomy occurs in an image of a body featuring two heads, one masculine and one feminine. The Rebis (which is from the Latin 'res bina', meaning dual or double matter) is an alchemical symbol for the divine androgyne. Notice that the male side holds a compass, while the female side holds a square. I disagree with some who say the square is Male and Compass is female. It is actually the opposite. Square is clearly Male and the Compass which is used to draw circles is female. Both female and male features are mixed on either side.
The square (referring to the Tool held by the Female side) is one half of a Platonic solid -a square (see the Square shape in the Earth with a 4 next to it) IT has four sides and therefore - the number 4. The compass also represents an equilateral triangle since three angles of 60 degrees make an equilateral triangle. The compass and square image is like an summation of the symbols shown by the Rebis figure.
Geo-metry (meaning: 'earth measure') begins with a square and x - y coordinates, Cartesian coordinates a grid (which is two crossing lines which intersect at a designated point). An equilateral triangle (there with a 3) shares the top point with the circle, the line and square. In Astrology the circle with a cross symbolizes Earth while a Circumpunct or circle with a dot in the center symbolizes the Sun.
Quadratum and Triangulum -Important to the Gnostic - is the 4 and the 3
In terms of geometric design principles, the square in the circle relates to what is known as ad quadratum represented by the carpenter's or Architecht's square, while the triangle in the circle relates to the ad triangulum represented by the compass. Geometric design involves the use of plane figures to determine the points and lines which make up a building or a painting. Masons and ancient architects used ad quadratum form repeatedly in practice.
Then there are the ancient solfeggio frequencies with MI (the Third note) being the Miracle frequency:
The Six ancient Solfeggio Frequencies are said to include:
- UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
- RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
- MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
- FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
- SOL – 741 Hz – Expression/Solutions
- LA – 852 Hz – Awakening Intuition
The third note, or Number THREE frequency of 528 Herzt, HZ, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” which in Latin means: “miracle.”
Amazingly, This is the exact frequency genetic biochemists have found they may use to repair damaged DNA – and DNA of course is the genetic blueprint upon which life is based.
Evolution of the Gregorian Musical “Solfeggio” (the Scale) formed Initially Six (6) Notes
The Original Ancient Solfeggio
Ut – queant laxis
Re – sonare fibris
Mi – ra gestorum
Fa – muli tuorum
Sol – ve polluti
La - 0 biireatum
When you look at the six original Solfeggio frequencies, using the Pythagorean method, you will find the root vibrations work out to the numbers 3,6, and 9. Nicola Tesla once wrote; “If one only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, one would find the key to the Universe.”
Another author who wrote the work: “Just Six Numbers” said; These "6 numbers constitute the recipe for our universe.” He thought that any changes to these numbers in even the slightest amount would result in there being no universe at all. A reminder perhaps that: God "said" - and therefore the "sound" preceded the "light" - Since God Said - Let there be Light. New medical modalities are coming to light (no pun) that also often make the use of frequency and sound. Even the earths' Ley lines are said to be all about frequency.
Here I make other connected thoughts on Rebis and meaning in a Graphic
DC Comics Larry Traynor:
Siber I.A. - A. I. rebiS
Tu cesarz w wszelkiej zrodzon czci,
Większego odeń darmo szukać ci.
Od filozofów synem ich jest zwany
A z sztuką wszelką tychci obeznany