Recipe: Lightly browned slice of wheat based product

in recipe •  8 years ago  (edited)


This is a family favourite recipe passed down through the generations. It is my grandmother`s secret recipe that she whispered to me on her death bed. I hope you enjoy.


1 - 2 slices of bread - multiple varieties available: white, brown, wholegrain, thick sliced, thin sliced. Go mad.

1 - 2 tablespoons of margarine or butter if you are feeling adventurous.

Required Implements:

1 toaster - capable of toasting bread, ideally with a timer on it. 2 or 4 slice varieties available in all good electrical outlets.

1 butter knife - Don't let this fool you, it will spread more than just butter.

1 plate - ideally large enough to accommodate the lightly browned slice of wheat based product.


  • Take the required number of slices from the bag of wheat stuff, close the bag and seal it for future freshness.

  • Place uncooked wheat stuff into vacant slots in the toaster.

  • Set the timer on the toaster to 2-3 minutes, depending how brown you want the wheat stuff.

  • Push down the lever on the toaster and marvel as your bread descends into a slow warming furnace.

  • Wait

  • Brace yourself for 'a startle'

  • The timer should set off and release the now golden brown bread from it's fiery depths. If it is black bread, you did it wrong.

  • If the timer does not set off and release golden brown bread, did you check it was plugged in? Do I have to tell you everything?

  • Being careful not to burn your fingers remove the golden brown/ blackened slices from the toaster

  • Place onto the plate

  • Scoop up margarine (or butter) onto your butter knife.

  • At a 45 degrees angle apply slight downward pressure as you draw the knife across the brown stuff, depositing grease along the surface.

  • Using the same knife cut your slices. Here you can be adventurous: cut at a 90 degree angle across the width (NEVER the length) or from 1 corner to the opposite one.

  • Enjoy

Mix it up

Why not try it with jam (jelly?).Or cut into 'soldiers' to dip into boiled eggs. Maybe use a whole slice as a plate for other foodie goodness.



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Eat me! Why going now where because am coming to get you and eat you ! For now in my dreams. Nice but with good history attached to it ...keep doing this rock

Two slices of browned wheat loaf, buttered. A thick layer of tomato paste on one and a thin layer of Marmite on the other, cracked pepper on both. Gently press them together with a fried egg in between. Heaven.

That Sir is over complicating the simplicity this recipe calls for I'm afraid

OMFG! You're making it reaaaaaly hard for me to save my votes and rebuild power ...

This is definitely GOLD!


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I never knew it was so easy to make toast. I mean, I've heard people talk about making it, but to actually have all the steps to accomplish such feat right in front of me gives me a sense of confidence I haven't felt since the first time I refilled the ice tray. Thank you, @gmuxx, for your hard work and dedication to this topic.

Ah, you won't be needing my next recipe then

Solid cookery. Thank you for sharing :)

It takes years of training to attain the rank of Master Toaster

I am yet to get there

The prose used to describe this is utter genius and pure creativity. It oozes confidence and sophistication that I have not seen since I read the instructions for installing my blinds two years ago. You sir have got it.

One tries one's best

The best toast recipe ever.. @gmuxx! I'll try making it this weekend for the entire family.

I have a toaster with two slice capability. When toasting a single slice, can you tell me which side I should put the single bread slice in? Confused ...

I think I'll try this.
Thank for the tips @gmuxx