Chickpea Salad Sandwich Filling Recipe (this basically got me through college)

in recipe •  4 years ago 

I’m kind of a big sandwich girl. As in, I like sandwiches and I like them big.

I distinctly remember a time where I was dining with my 6’4″ father at Subway. He stopped at a 6-inch sandwich, I went for the foot-long. I scarfed both halves down and he looked on horrified.

In high school I remember having a friend run out to grab me a sandwich for lunch. I handed him a $10 and asked for: 1 foot long, 1 bag of chips, and 1 cookie. No 2 cookies. Yes, 2.

No wonder dinner invites were sparse.

This is not your average sandwich. For starters, it’s meatless! Second, it’s extremely flavorful, filling and healthy – basically the three things I’m going for with any good sandwich. And lastly, it is simple: just 30 minutes and simple ingredients required.

The base starts with tender, smashed chickpeas and nutrient-rich sunflower seeds that add a nutty, crunchy touch. Then comes the simple dressing of dairy-free mayo, mustard, dill, maple syrup for added sweetness, and a handful of simple spices.

Come to mama.

All of that goodness is mashed up and piled on top of hearty, toasted wheat bread with tomato, onion, lettuce, and a healthy drizzle of my secret garlic sauce. Never forget the sauce.

Does lunch get any better? I think not.


You guys are going to LOVE this sandwich. I know it. It’s

Texturally profound – crunchy, soft, creamy – a trifecta of goodness
Seriously satisfying
Fast – 30 minutes or less!
& kind of perfect

This is the perfect kind of thing to whip up to have on hand for effortless, healthy weekday lunches as it keeps for several days in the fridge. I’d imagine it would also work wonderfully on salads and wraps. My mind is spinning with possibilities…

If you make this sandwich, do let us know! We’re rather smitten with it and we think you will be, too. Leave a comment or take a picture and tag it #minimalistbaker on Instragram so we can see what you came up with.

Or do both! We’d love you forever for it. (But who are we kidding though? We already do. Seriously.) Cheers!

Chickpea Sunflower Sandwich

30-minute Chickpea Sunflower Sandwich with smashed chickpeas and roasted sunflower seeds in a simple dressing. Sandwiched between two slices of bread and topped with my secret garlic sauce, this is healthy lunch perfection.

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Nice 👍

wow! it looks amazing.
Thank you for sharing this new recipe.

As a culinary mistress, I concur to eating healthy.Therefore I love your recipe, and I'll give it a try.

It is one of the best food. These foods are healthy. The posts on this type of food are awesome.