pear jelly- one of the healthiest desserts in the world.

in recipes •  9 years ago 

Jelly - one of the healthiest desserts in the world. It strengthens bones, improves blood composition, regulates blood sugar levels and helps to preserve youth and beauty. Pears are also a myriad of useful properties: improves digestion, helps to recuperate and so on. In addition, famous as a product almost never does not cause allergies.

250 g of pears
250 g apple
600 ml of water
100 g of sugar
Spoon gelatin
Lemon juice to taste


Water mixed with sugar and boil until the sugar is dissolved. Apples and pears, peeled, seeds, cut and pack in syrup. Boiled until boiling again. Then remove from the heat and drain. Fruit pieces put into prepared jars. Syrups leave to cool slightly. Gelatin mixed with a splash of water and steeping. Then mix with the syrup. Pour it into cups with fruit. Put in refrigerator to set.


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I am hearing about this for the first time. However, it looks easy to make and yummy too. But can anything sugar be healthy? I normally substitute honey or stevia whenever possible.

I agree, anything with cane sugar in it is automatically removed from the healthy list, at least in my mind. Also, maybe some kind of fruit pectin instead of gelatin... No need to put ground-up animal into things.