Meet my record producing team!

in recording •  8 years ago 

I was at the Congress House Studio last weekend and we recorded a song that I wrote a couple of years back called This Big Empty. I wanted to share a few images and video clips with you good folks so that you can get an idea of what it's like. I love going to The Congress House. As my producer says, it's an instrument in and of itself.

First, here's a photo of one of the recording stations in the sound room. I sit here and play guitar first, along with a click track that may have a kick drum or basic drum parts. Usually two or three takes are made, depending on how close to the grove I'm playing. My producer and engineer then take the best parts of each take to make a really good compilation track. This track acts as a pilot track for vocals and all the other backing tracks that are recorded later.


Here's another view from a different location:


Next, I usually go to the vocal station and we do two ar three takes of vocal tracks, depending on how good or bad that I'm singing. Sometimes a shot or two of scotch is required as a catalyst to get the pipes tuned up.


Here's a clip of a short tour through the kitchen to the control room where you'll meet my sound engineer, Andre Moran.

And finally the Producer, Mark Hallman. Mark is setting up for a guitar track on this song. Both these guys have been amazing to work with. Not only are they both very talented musicians, but they know the every minute facet of the record making process.

Thanks for taking an interest in this. Stay tuned for more postings on this subject. It's one of my favorite things to do.

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