Cracking Bit-Locker

in recovery •  7 years ago  (edited)

Lost your bit-Locker password
we got a solution for you, do you remember while locking your drive you were provided with a recovery key
use that key here to reset your password:

Lost recovery key Also !!!

Not a big issue we got a solution for you its a bit longer but works 100% with 80-100% data retrivial
Follow these Steps:

  1. From all other Volume backup your important data because we are about to clean your Disk Drive
  2. Open cmd pressing win+R and type DISKPART and run allow administrator privileges
  3. Enter "list disk" or "lis dis" command
  4. Enter Select disk containing locked volume using "sel disk num" and clean it using "clean" command
  5. It will clean all volume expect one containing OS
  6. Now you have to reinstall your OS
  7. After successful OS installation install any recovery software you like w'll recommend "EaseUs Recovery data recovery"
  8. Scan you disk drive for partition recovery and select volume which was locked by Bit-Locker and select all your files you want to recover

Note: while recovery process never save any files to disk drive try to save recovered files on some other drive

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