Easy Ways To Reduce Waste

in recycle •  7 years ago 

Philippines is one of the world's biggest dumper of plastics in the ocean. read about it here

And if this continues, I can't imagine how the ocean would look like 5 years from now. Imagine a future of having to tell your kids about stories of how you enjoyed the ocean and swam with the fishes but they can't relate to you because all they see are plastics floating around the dirty black ocean.

It almost the end of the 1st month of the year and I still haven't thought about my "New Year's Resolution" - maybe because I know myself too well and myself just don't want to break promises anymore. Myself also realized that 2018 is the best year where I should include helping my community as one of my goal. There's really no need for grand gestures and big project to accomplish this. Little things like reducing waste in my own home and making the people aware about it will make an impact.

So here are simple ideas on how to reduce garbage:

1.Always bring your own water tumbler.

This not only saves the environment but it also saves your pocket because let's admit it - bottled water is overpriced.

1. Water Tumbler.JPG

2.Instead of using disposable diapers, use cloth diaper instead.

I know this will entail more work for moms because they have to do the laundry and all, but come to think about all th waste that disposable diapers make. A baby's diaper needs to be changed 4 times a day -minimum. So just imagine a pile of 28 used diapers in your trash in just one week. And come on, most of our moms here survived the lampin days

2. diapers.JPG

3.Use "tabo" or bidet when you wash yourself after poopoo.

Not only will you come out cleaner but this will also save you money (because you don't need to buy tons of tissue).


4.Bring your own reusable shopping bag/ecobag every time you need to go shopping.

4. ecobag.JPG

5.Use your own lunch box when you order take-out.

It's not that healthy to eat out of a Styrofoam anyway.

5. tupperware.JPG

Photos are not mine, they are from pixabay.

There you have it -- these things are not life changing but if every one in the world tries to reduce their waste just by 50% I am sure that Mother Earth will be happier.


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Agree with 1,4,5, but 2 and 3 consume a lot of water.

Bidets do not consume a lot of water. Making TP uses more water. There are plenty of bum washing units that are easy to install, attach to your current toilet and very economical. They are also better for your bum.

I love how they modernize the cloth diapers. And how anti rash they are too :) Woohoo! But since I'm doing the laundry, Yehey to me hahah :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You're the one in my mind when I was writing that part about cloth diapers. It's not surprising that you met my expectation.

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