
in red-pill •  7 years ago 

Redpill-truthmovement Redpill-truthmovement, that’s a lot squeezed into one word. I will continue to summarize what I think are the most important ongoing steps forwards  in the worlds............................................ truth-freedom-antislavery-individualism-health movement.  

Key people level 1 

1.The people who directly fight the devilish USA Shadow Government and its underlying US Deep State (by very far the most evil lawless mafia the world has ever seen) might be the most important in this struggle. That is Donald Trump, politicians like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Nigel Farage, journalists like Roger Stone, Alex Jones, Matt Drudge and maybe most importantly (next to Trump) whistleblowers like Sybil Edmonds, Assange, Snowden, William Binney (NSA), Robert Steele (CIA), Steve Pieczenik (CIA) and Kevin Shipp (CIA).. Let me comment on Trump: He left a great life being 69 with billions on the bank. He takes 1 dollar per year for being president. So he wants to do something and it is not money for himself. If a person do not understand that, then he or she is stupid. It is bad that Trump cooperates with the warmachinery and warmongering neocon factions. But Ron Paul or Rand Paul, who are for US military withdrawal all over the world, had/have no chance to become presidents. 

Trump has to have powerful allies. When not he has no chance to get anything done, no chance to challange the Shadow Government which is what he is doing. First time since Kennedy. Over time, taking down the shadow government and establish functioning laws in the USA,  is priority 1, also in order to end perpetual USA wars. 

By the way: My wishes are peaceful also for the most evil people within the Shadow Government/Deep State. I want them to get amnesty and financial security, just some limits of what evil they can do.  Kevin Shipp, a CIA high level insider got tired of the Shadow Government-Deep State criminality and recently revealed a lot about the structure of the Shadow Government and its underlying Deep State. He described the “Shadow Government” as mainly CIA/Langely, the CIA-headquarter-city, CFR, mainstream media like the Washington Post and New York Times, NSA and secret parts of the US State-department. It is secret, lawless and have their own money-printing machine, the US Federal Reserve. They make their worst crimes into laws (like the federal reserve system and the bankingsystem itself), they use their own private printingmachine of dollars to murder millions and millions in perpetual wars. The underlying “Deep State” is for ex.large parts of  Pentagon/US Military Industrial Congressional Complex, the War-industry like Lockheed Martin, Darpa, large parts of the Congress, Wall Street/US Federal Reserve, Silicon Valley, Google, Facebook, Apple…  It should be obvious to all people on earth why this fight is important: The central psychopathic individuals in the US Shadow Government and Deep State are (mainly) the people that rule and at the same time destroys the world. The fight to beat these people must be done in the USA. The rest of the worlds politicians are – sorry to say – helpless puppets. Well not completely: China and Russia do have some power. 

Key-people level 2 

2.Other key people in the ongoing information-war are the former Ronald Reagan economical adviser Paul Craig Roberts, G Edward Griffin (with the Red Pill Expo) and William Engdahl, the worlds leading geopolitical expert. Paul Craig Roberts recently pointed out (interviewed by Richie Allen) that the interest on the money that is collected when the US Federal Reserve lends out money to the US Government, goes back to the US Treasury, meaning back to the US Government. How many knew that? G Edward Griffin recently arranged the Red Pill Expo, a meeting for people within the Truth-movement, with the outspoken aim to create networks for – yes – people within the truth-movement. William Engdahl details all the crimes of the Wall Street Bankes, Monsanto, Hillary Clinton and the Bush family, the Muslim Brotherhood and of the perpetual war state USA. He does that very good! There are hundreds of others, Catherine Austin Fitts, Gerhard Celente, Greg Hunter, David Knight …… 

Key people/countries/currencies level 3 

3. On this third level people and even other states work (mainly/largely or at least a lot) with the method of (A) just leaving the corrupt governments systems system as much as possible. The big thing is obviously to (A) leave the dollar, as the dollar printing + perpetual wars including economical wars is the way the main criminals tries to form their dictatorial world government. See the Bretton Woods agreement, see John Perkins “Economic Hitman”,  Nixon leaving the gold standard, the dollar becoming the petrodollar and on and on..  (B) China started recently to sell oil-contracts in Shanghai with payment in yuan and with the possibility to change the involved amount of yuan into gold. No dollar-involvment. Saddam Hussein and Khadaffi took related steps away from petrodollar but ended up dead. (C). Cryptocurrencies! All governments worldwide depend on stealing money from “their” populations or simply by letting their centralbank print money to them. Let us be very clear: That is what government officials live of. Stealing money or printing money. For bankers it is one step easier: They just print money (write it on a screen) and live from the interest they charge. If the Chinese or US government could have stolen all the Bitcoins in the world you can be certain they would have done it. But the blockchain technology stops Big Brother from stealing the money from it’s citizens. Smart-contracts is another fantastic aspect of blockchain technology and is’nt Steemit something? (D) So key people today on this level of cryptocurrency development / anti-slavery-fighting are James Corbett, Max Keiser, Jeff Berwick, Bix Weir, Clif High, Roger Ver, Dan Larimer, Joby Weeks and others. 

Key people level 4 

You and me! Millions of good people using common sense! People finally understanding the value of independence and true freedom. Leave the slavemasters, the mainstream media, the schoolsystem, the large companies, large banks and  the government as much as you can (learn from Doug Casey). Vote with your wallet.   Use your friends and give them your money, love and favors! Buy bio-food from local farmers, grow your own food, teamwork with your neighbours, family, friends and networks, surpass parasitical governments. Be a person who takes pride in doing something GOOD for the money you get (or steal) from others.  Teach your children life instead of getting it done by Big Brother!  

Key 5 

Also: The Swiss Direct Democracy is by far the best political system on earth. Finally, learn something from there. 

Key 6 

Like Cato repeated that Cartago should be destroyed I repeat my main thing: Art Janovs Primal Therapy is the big secret. I will discuss this in a couple of articles, it’s just to large of a subject to discuss here.    

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