Don't take the Red pill!

in red •  8 years ago 

This was originally published by The Unfake Media on the Unfake Media website.

When you have someone telling you to take the Red pill they are either ignorant or a deceiver.

The Red pill meme is another trick of Zionist Hollywood. Red and Blue is also masonic symbolism.

Many people think that taking the Red pill means getting out of the matrix and seeing what is really going on but you are just being gate kept from the whole truth.

Gatekeepers like Stefan Molyneux push the Red pill Blue pill deception. The Red pill meme is also used by MGTOW fanatics.

The creators of the matrix movie were known as the Wachowski brothers but they are now sisters! according to their transgender delusions. That should be a dead give away that you are being deceived!

If you are not already clued in on the LGBT agenda then please look into it. They are promoting the LGBT to depopulate the planet and attack the family.

People like to use the term Red-Pilling to mean waking people up because there is a negative vibe around waking up that was twisted by TPTB.

The deceivers and infiltrators have destroyed words like truth and the concept of waking up. But that is one of the things they are best at doing.

The colors Red and Blue are also used to represent the false dichotomy of the Left/Right paradigm. Both sides are controlled by the same puppet masters!

So don’t fall for the tricks of the TPTB and don’t take the Red pill or the Blue pill because they are both harmful pills. This does not mean that you should not learn about the NWO and seek truth but you should not be controlled by these false ideas.

Copyright by the Unfake Media 2017

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Platitudes and Name Calling is:

Stefan is not a credible source.

The Red Pill is not something you take by choice. Every time you realize the truth about something is the exact opposite of what you believed. Then you have been Red Pilled.

You have bought into a false narrative.