ReddCoin and Facebook

in reddcoin •  6 years ago 

I know a lot of people shill different crypto's but I truly believe RDD is going to be a very good investment over the next 1-5 months. I was having dreams of crypto's before I ever had even invested in them. Oh, side note, I have dreams quite frequently that consist of scenes of future events. I don't always know what to do with them, what they exactly mean, or if I can change these future scenarios. However, I was playing the lotto alot, obviously hoping I could win, but knowing it was dang near impossible. Then I had a dream of winning this coin toss game in my dream, red coins started falling and they told me I won 100 million dollars. I didn't know what to think of it. I started praying the next day. Asking God to show me a path to take for financial freedom. He showed me one dream first that had nothing to do with anything related to money that slightly haunts me til this day. It was a scene from right before the biblical end of days takes place. If you are interested in that, I can write about it another time. Then a month goes by, I found myself praying again asking just asking for financial advice. Then, a video popped up on my youtube list about ReddCoin. I hadn't been watching anything slightly related to crypto's and I knew nothing about them. I decided to learn a bit about it, the markets, and the different technologies. I didn't see any harm in starting to invest in them. So, in the middle of July til now I've invested about $2000. I did it $100 or so at a time. Anyways, I had a dream about Facebook back in June being profitable for me, but didn't know how that could be possible. Then, a day after I put my first but of money into RDD, the news headline comes out that Facebook was dropping their bans on crypto's and possibly getting involved themselves. Then Reddcoin announced their release of Redd-ID full version in September. Then I saw another young guy on YouTube make a vid about how he saw RDD going up very high in a dream he thought was from GOD. All of these things may certainly just be a coincidence. But the final thing that put me over the top was, I had been fasting from food, and any major sin in my life, and changing my lifestyle to better suit someone who claims to be Christian. I wanted to be closer to God, and show more appreciation for the whole eternal salvation thing. Lol, anyway, I was praying for about an hour, and at the end I prayed about Reddcoin and crypto's and if I should just get out and move on with my life... Then a vivid image came to me it said "300" only problem is I knew it was money but didn't know if it was 300 cents or dollars. Either would be a huge spike, but one just sounded like the most ridiculous, BS, unthinkable number I could ever imagine. I laughed out loud audibly in disbelief, and said "Lord, surely this is a joke! How could that even be possible?!? It isn't possible!!! That is when the craziest thing in my life, as a Christian and praying, happened. I HEARD GOD'S VOICE IN AN AUDIBLE MANNER. JUST LIKE YOU AND I WERE TALKING! I was bewildered. He told me, "Through me, ANYTHING, is possible." I responded reluctantly, "But how Lord? How? I will look like a crazy person if I tell people this number?!" That last word I heard in an audible manner was "MERGER" Then two sequential screenshots in my mind, One was a Facebook, the other was the letters NYSE and a vision of a man on wall street doing a ReddCoin crypto chart on TV. I was so happy, yet frightened, yet freaked out about what had happened. The next day, I woke up people were talking about the ETF decision, the big one to possibly happen in September, when all of a sudden an article came out just that morning. There was a headline that Starbucks, a company I work for, other companies, and ICE the owners of the NYSE were coming together for a crypto project that just might put Bitcoin, Litecoin, and many of the alts into the hands of all the millionaires and billionaires in a timely manner in a more traditional way that they want and need to get into the markets.... So, take my piece here for what you will. I promise you everything here is 100% absolutely true. So, since that is true, the question that you, me, and anyone reading this needs to ask ourselves is "What are the chances of all those things happening? Is there a reason these things happened? And do I believe in coincidences, or do I believe in GOD, purpose, destiny, and light over darkness? I think these things were a sign from GOD. What exactly the timeframe is I am not sure, but I know it has to be before 2021 bc of other dreams I've had, but also bc I think the Sept ETF decision could be the start, and the NYSE involvement in November being the final catalyst. I have been keeping all these weird signs to myself bc I didn't really have anyone to share them with. You can now take this info and do what you will with it. I will try to continue posting cool stuff, especially prophetic dreams. That way, I, or anyone else can come back and see if I am accuarate. Then, if I am accurate, that could give more weight to other things I see in the future. Thanks for reading and have a blessed day & night!

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Thanks but learn how to edit posts pls. Search on google, edit post on STEMIT...

Why would I edit. That would be dishonest. Also, I was off about when it all starts, but I said that this revolution was going to come by 2021. I think the BAKKT will still be a huge beginning catalyst along with a stock market slump, depression, or total crash. My predictions could still pan out.