New content platforms like Steemit take some of their features, like upvotes and ranking, from the pioneer of Reddit. Built in 2005, this was a discussion board that quickly became incredibly popular in use. Previous platforms like Digg and independent forums quickly became overshadowed by the quick expansion of subreddits focused on a variety of topics: political, social, or arts and entertainment.
The innovation of social media like Reddit has had a profound effect on society and media and has been studied in academic literature over the past 12 years. To showcase some of the research and literature, below are the top 100 most cited publiations that mentioned Reddit in their title.
- "Widespread underprovision on Reddit". E Gilbert. 2013. Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer …. 109 cites.
- "“Don't feed the troll”: Shutting down debate about community expectations on Reddit. com". K Bergstrom. 2011. First Monday. 99 cites.
- "Mental Health Discourse on reddit: Self-Disclosure, Social Support, and Anonymity.". M De Choudhury, S De. 2014. ICWSM. 89 cites.
- "6% of online adults are reddit users". M Duggan, A Smith. 2013. Pew Internet & American Life Project. 82 cites.
- "Evolution of reddit: from the front page of the internet to a self-referential community?". P Singer, F Flöck, C Meinhart, E Zeitfogel…. 2014. Proceedings of the 23rd …. 80 cites.
- "An exploration of discussion threads in social news sites: A case study of the reddit community". T Weninger, XA Zhu, J Han. 2013. Advances in Social Networks …. 55 cites.
- "Identifying social roles in reddit using network structure". C Buntain, J Golbeck. 2014. Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference …. 37 cites.
- "Human psychology of common appraisal: The Reddit score". P Van Mieghem. 2011. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 34 cites.
- "Interfaces as rhetorical constructions: reddit and 4chan during the boston marathon bombings". L Potts, A Harrison. 2013. Proceedings of the 31st ACM international …. 31 cites.
- "How reddit ranking algorithms work". A Salihefendic. 2010. Hacking and Gonzo. 29 cites.
- "An examination of electronic cigarette content on social media: analysis of e-cigarette flavor content on Reddit". L Wang, Y Zhan, Q Li, DD Zeng, SJ Leischow…. 2015. International journal of …. 25 cites.
- "Popularity Dynamics and Intrinsic Quality in Reddit and Hacker News.". G Stoddard. 2015. ICWSM. 24 cites.
- "Navigating the massive world of reddit: Using backbone networks to map user interests in social media". RS Olson, ZP Neal. 2015. PeerJ Computer Science. 23 cites.
- "Going dark: Social factors in collective action against platform operators in the Reddit blackout". JN Matias. 2016. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI conference on human …. 22 cites.
- "Should Reddit be Blamed for the Spreading of a Smear?". JC Kang. 2013. Know Your Neighborhood. 21 cites.
- "Faceless bodies: Negotiating technological and cultural codes on Reddit Gonewild". E Van der Nagel. 2013. Scan: Journal of Media Arts …. 21 cites.
- "User Migration in Online Social Networks: A Case Study on Reddit During a Period of Community Unrest.". E Newell, D Jurgens, HM Saleem, H Vala, J Sassine…. 2016. ICWSM. 19 cites.
- "Lifespan and propagation of information in On-line Social Networks: A case study based on Reddit". G Haralabopoulos, I Anagnostopoulos…. 2015. Elsevier Journal of network and …. 18 cites.
- "Researching Social News–Is reddit. com a mouthpiece for the 'Hive Mind', or a Collective Intelligence approach to Information Overload?". R Mills. 2011. . 17 cites.
- "An exploration of submissions and discussions in social news: Mining collective intelligence of Reddit". T Weninger. 2014. Springer Social Network Analysis and Mining. 17 cites.
- "Characterizing conversation patterns in Reddit: From the perspectives of content properties and user participation behaviors". D Choi, J Han, T Chung, YY Ahn, BG Chun…. 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 …. 17 cites.
- "Factors associated with weight change in online weight management communities: a case study in the LoseIt Reddit community". GL Pappa, TO Cunha, PV Bicalho…. 2017. Journal of medical …. 17 cites.
- "Blogs, twitter feeds, and reddit comments: Cross-domain authorship attribution". R Overdorf, R Greenstadt. 2016. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing …. 17 cites.
- "Framing Social News Sites: An Analysis of the Top Ranked Stories on Reddit and Digg.". BS Wasike. 2011. Southwestern Mass Communication Journal. 16 cites.
- "Amazon EC2 outage downs Reddit, Quora". J Pepitone. 2011. Retrieved May. 15 cites.
- "Popularity and quality in social news aggregators: A study of reddit and hacker news". G Stoddard. 2015. Proceedings of the 24th international conference on …. 15 cites.
- "Playful participatory culture: Learning from Reddit". A Massanari. 2013. AoIR Selected Papers of Internet Research. 14 cites.
- "Howsocial'are social news sites? exploring the motivations for using Reddit. com". T Bogers, R Wernersen. 2014. iConference 2014 Proceedings. 14 cites.
- "Bombings trip up reddit in its turn in spotlight". L Kaufman. 2013. New York Times. 14 cites.
- "Nearly eight-in-ten Reddit users get news on the site". M Barthel, G Stocking, J Holcomb, A Mitchell. 2016. Pew Research Center. 14 cites.
- "Random voting effects in social-digital spaces: A case study of reddit post submissions". T Weninger, TJ Johnston, M Glenski. 2015. … of the 26th ACM conference on …. 13 cites.
- "Evidence of online performance deterioration in user sessions on Reddit". P Singer, E Ferrara, F Kooti, M Strohmaier, K Lerman. 2016. PloS one. 13 cites.
- "a Tor-powered botnet straight from Reddit". CS GUARNIERI. 2012. . 12 cites.
- "Ddos on dyn impacts twitter, spotify, reddit". B Krebs. 2016. Krebs on Security.(October 2016). Retrieved June. 12 cites.
- "Deep reinforcement learning with a combinatorial action space for predicting popular Reddit threads". J He, M Ostendorf, X He, J Chen, J Gao, L Li…. 2016. arXiv preprint arXiv …. 12 cites.
- "Ask me anything: what is Reddit?". KE Anderson. 2015. Library Hi Tech News. 11 cites.
- "The Role of Information Visibility in Network Gatekeeping: Information Aggregation on Reddit during Crisis Events.". A Leavitt, JJ Robinson. 2017. CSCW. 11 cites.
- "An analysis of the discourse of Internet trolling: A case study of Reddit. com". E Merritt. 2012. . 11 cites.
- "Fast, free, and targeted: reddit as a source for recruiting participants online". I Shatz. 2017. Social Science Computer Review. 11 cites.
- "Consumers and curators: Browsing and voting patterns on Reddit". M Glenski, C Pennycuff…. 2017. IEEE Transactions on …. 11 cites.
- "We've Reddit, have you?: What librarians can learn from a site full of memes". B Sanderson, M Rigby. 2013. College & Research Libraries News. 10 cites.
- "More than just cat pictures: Reddit as a curated news source". S Ovadia. 2015. Taylor & Francis Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian. 10 cites.
- "Reddit in the Flesh". M Shaer. 2012. New York Magazine. 9 cites.
- "Online media forums as separate social lives: a qualitative study of disclosure within and beyond Reddit". M Shelton, K Lo, B Nardi. 2015. iConference 2015 Proceedings. 9 cites.
- "The effect of social feedback in a reddit weight loss community". TO Cunha, I Weber, H Haddadi, GL Pappa. 2016. Proceedings of the 6th …. 9 cites.
- "Constructing the image of the teacher on Reddit: Best and worst teachers". S Chang-Kredl, D Colannino. 2017. Elsevier Teaching and Teacher Education. 9 cites.
- "How the professor who fooled Wikipedia got caught by Reddit". Y Appelbaum. 2012. The Atlantic. 8 cites.
- "Determining the influence of Reddit posts on Wikipedia pageviews". D Moyer, SL Carson, TK Dye, RT Carson…. 2015. Proceedings of the Ninth …. 8 cites.
- "Examining thematic similarity, difference, and membership in three online mental health communities from reddit: a text mining and visualization approach". A Park, M Conway, AT Chen. 2018. Elsevier Computers in human behavior. 8 cites.
- "Motivations and limitations associated with vaping among people with mental illness: A qualitative analysis of Reddit discussions". R Sharma, B Wigginton, C Meurk, P Ford…. 2016. International journal of …. 8 cites.
- "The Use of Reddit as an Inexpensive Source for High-Quality Data.". MR Jamnik, DJ Lane. 2017. Practical Assessment, Research & Evaluation. 8 cites.
- "Detecting anxiety through Reddit". JH Shen, F Rudzicz. 2017. Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on …. 8 cites.
- "A computational study of how and why reddit. com was an effective platform in the campaign against SOPA". R Mills, A Fish. 2015. Springer International Conference on Social Computing and …. 7 cites.
- "Conversation modeling on reddit using a graph-structured LSTM". V Zayats, M Ostendorf. 2018. MIT Press Transactions of the Association of Computational …. 7 cites.
- "'Karma, precious karma!'Karmawhoring on Reddit and the Front Page's econometrisation". A Richterich. 2014. Journal of Peer Production. 7 cites.
- "Women win facebook, twitter, zynga; men get linkedin, reddit". C Taylor. 2012. Retrieved Feb. 7 cites.
- "Vestis Virum Reddit:" the Gender Politics of Drag in Williams's" A Streetcar Named Desire" and Hwang's" M. Butterfly". JS Bak. 2005. JSTOR South Atlantic Review. 7 cites.
- "An analysis of domestic abuse discourse on Reddit". N Schrading, CO Alm, R Ptucha, C Homan. 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 …. 7 cites.
- "Hey reddit, enough Boston bombing vigilantism". AC Madrigal. 2013. The Atlantic. 7 cites.
- "The disinhibition of reddit users". T Gagnon. 2013. Adele Richardson's Spring. 7 cites.
- "Age and gender in Reddit commenting and success". SC Finlay. 2014. . 7 cites.
- "Information and Social Analysis of Reddit". T Steinbaur. 2012. Retrieved from TROYSTEINBAUER@ CS. UCSB …. 6 cites.
- "Why is Reddit so anti-women?': An epic Reddit thread counts the ways". E Zuckerman. 2012. The Atlantic Wire. 6 cites.
- "How the 2016 presidential campaign is being discussed on Reddit| Pew Research Center". M Barthel. 2016. . 6 cites.
- "The Reddit Reckoning". C Wade. 2014. Slate. com. 6 cites.
- "Redditors revealed: Motivational factors of the Reddit community". C Moore, L Chuang. 2017. Proceedings of the 50th …. 6 cites.
- "Why Did Reddit Succeed Where Digg Failed?". R Metz. 2012. MIT Technology Review . 6 cites.
- "The impact of crowds on news engagement: A reddit case study". BD Horne, S Adali. 2017. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.10570. 6 cites.
- "Freedom from the press? How anonymous gatekeepers on Reddit covered the Boston Marathon bombing". M Suran, DK Kilgo. 2017. Taylor & Francis Journalism Studies. 6 cites.
- "Facebook didn't kill Digg, Reddit did". P Tassi. 2012. … /insertcoin/2012/07/13/facebook-didnt-kill-digg-reddit …. 5 cites.
- "Facebook didn't kill Digg, Reddit did". P Tassi. 2012. … /insertcoin/2012/07/13/facebook-didnt-kill-digg-reddit …. 5 cites.
- "It's Silicon Valley 2, Ellen Pao 0: Fighter of sexism is out at Reddit". M Isaac, D Streitfeld. 2015. New York Times. 5 cites.
- "Reddit news users more likely to be male, young and digital in their news preferences". M Barthel, G Stocking, J Holcomb, A Mitchell. 2016. Pew Research Center. 5 cites.
- "Former Reddit CEO Ellen Pao: The trolls are winning the battle for the internet". E Pao. 2015. The Washington Post. 5 cites.
- "Boston Marathon bombings: how Twitter and Reddit got it wrong". G Shih. 2013. The Independent. 5 cites.
- "Does Reddit Have a Transparency Problem?". D Auerbach. 2014. Slate. 5 cites.
- "What is Reddit worth?". G Anders. 2012. FORBES INC 60 FIFTH AVE, NEW … Forbes. 5 cites.
- "“I feel like I've hit the bottom and have no idea what to do”: Supportive social networking on Reddit for individuals with a desire to quit cannabis use". SJ Sowles, MJ Krauss, L Gebremedhn…. 2017. Taylor & Francis Substance …. 5 cites.
- "Breaking News: Condé Nast/Wired Acquires Reddit". M Arrington. 2006. Techcrunch, October 31st. 5 cites.
- "Led it on Reddit: An exploratory study examining opinion leadership on Reddit". DK Kilgo, JJ Yoo, V Sinta, S Geise, M Suran…. 2016. First Monday. 5 cites.
- "Linguistic Data Analysis of 3 Billion Reddit Comments Shows the Alt-Right Is Getting Stronger". T Squirell. 2017. Quartz . 5 cites.
- "Identifying the social signals that drive online discussions: A case study of Reddit communities". BD Horne, S Adali, S Sikdar. 2017. Computer Communication and …. 5 cites.
- "'Reddit hates EVERYTHING, including Reddit': Identity, Community, Participatory Culture, and Engagement on Reddit. com". A Massanari. 2013. … of Internet Researchers Conference: Denver, CO, USA. 4 cites.
- "Exploring AAPI identity online: Political ideology as a factor affecting identity work on Reddit". B Dosono, B Semaan, J Hemsley. 2017. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI …. 4 cites.
- "How Reddit Fueled the Scanner-Happy Media to Out Innocent Boston 'Suspects.'". R Greenfield. 2013. The Atlantic Wire. 4 cites.
- "Wikipedia blackout: Websites Wikipedia, Reddit, others go dark Wednesday to protest SOPA, PIPA". N Potter. 2012. ABC news. 4 cites.
- "Upvoting the news: breaking news aggregation, crowd collaboration, and algorithm-driven attention on reddit. com". AC Leavitt. 2016. . 4 cites.
- "The SOPA blackout: Wikipedia, Reddit, Mozilla, Google, and many others protest proposed law". V Savov. 2012. The Verge. 4 cites.
- "Update: Amazon Web Services down in North Virginia Reddit, Pinterest, Airbnb, Foursquare, Minecraft and others affected". R Dillet. 2012. TechCrunch http://tinyurl. com/9r43dwt. 4 cites.
- "Reddit Users Attempt to Shame Sikh Woman, Get Righteously Schooled". L West. 2012. Jezebel. 4 cites.
- "Verizon finds US developer outsourced his job to China so he could surf Reddit and watch cat videos". E Protalinski. 2013. The Next Web. 4 cites.
- "What just happened on reddit? Understanding the moderator blackout". JN Matias. 2015. Social Media Collective Blog. 4 cites.
- "Reddit moderators shut down parts of site over employee's dismissal". M Isaac. 2015. The NY Times (July 2015). 4 cites.
- "Meet the Reddit power user who helped bring down r/technology". F Alfonso III. 2014. The Daily Dot. 4 cites.
- "Move over, Reddit: Tumblr is the new front page of the internet". C Dewey. 2015. The Washington Post. 4 cites.
- "Navigating the massive world of reddit: Using backbone networks to map user interests in social media. arXiv. org". RS Olson, ZP Neal. 2013. URL: http://arxiv. org/abs/1312.3387. 4 cites.
- "Nearly Eight-in-Ten Reddit Users Get News on the Site. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center". M Barthel, G Stocking, J Holcomb, A Mitchell. 2016. . 4 cites.
- "Characterizing Conversation Patterns in Reddit". D Choi, J Han, T Chung, YY Ahn, BG Chun, TT Kwon. 2015. Proceedings of the 2015 ACM …. 4 cites.
- "Reddit is tearing itself apart". B Menegus. 2016. Gizmodo, November. 4 cites.
- "Reddit: Can anyone clean up the mess behind “the front page of the internet?”". A Hern, H Bengtsson. 2015. The Guardian. 4 cites.
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