The Problem With Reddit: No Micro Payments

in reddit •  7 years ago 

Narconon is owned by Scientology and has tax exempt status, which makes this scam even more disturbing since they keep all the money and pay no taxes, claiming it is a church.A young adult will be admitted into the program while the family hopes he or she will clean up their act while in treatment. Eventually the parents are told their child is doing well and they would like to have him or her work as a teacher in the program. Many of them are never paid a dime despite promises of compensation.Many of the misguided kids will bring in drugs which are then confiscated by the staff. These drugs are often injested by the staff, who only days earlier were students and not teachers/staff. When the teacher fails a drug test, they are kicked out of the program. Or when the addict is told they failed. They have no reason to be honest and they aren't.This is how Fresh Start Narconon makes even more money: The parents or family signed a lease/rental agreement that allowed the addict to be promoted from a teacher to a student, with the contingency that they don't fail a drug test.The family is left paying for rent for months and months at a place in the middle of nowhere where the addict cannot live. This way the same unit can be rented to several people at once, possibly with nobody living in the place at all. Yes they offer financing for the treatment. The lease agreement can be for 6 months or more. The family ends up paying for a loan of about $38,000 and then 6 months rent.Most families are ruined financially because they didn't do their homework and the salespeople scare the family to death.Fresh Start Narconon is not a registered rehab center. It is a band of litigious criminals ruining the lives of families that have already been shattered by drug abuse, and they are doing it tax free.They will tell you they are completely separate from Scientology. That is not the case.This is also posted here:

all 4 commentssorted by: bestdisable inbox replies (?)formatting helpcontent policysave[–]DrQuaaludeMod, Scientologist [FZ] 3 points 19 hours ago If you post one more QR code, or solicit donations again in any way, I will request that you be permabanned from this sub.

[–]Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer 3 points 18 hours ago* I agree. If it happens again alert me and the other mods and we'll discuss it. But if it comes to that my vote is absolutely going to be to ban. Its one thing to occasionally self promote a personal blog which has a donation option or to promote a book one wrote or some other external source of making money. Its entirely different to post a thread and add a line that says "oh and here's my patreon if you want to donate money to me", which is essentially what is being done by adding a line for donating through cryptocurrency.Edit: noticed it wasnt this thread that he linked direct donation links in, but a different thread I removed. But the point remains.

[–]CryptroppelNarconon Fresh Start[S] 0 points 16 hours ago so·lic·it (sə-lĭs′ĭt) v. so·lic·it·ed, so·lic·it·ing, so·lic·its 1. To seek to obtain by persuasion, entreaty, or formal application: a candidate who solicited votes among the factory workers. 2. To petition persistently; importune: solicited the neighbors for donations. 3. To commit the criminal offense of enticing or inciting (another) to commit an illegal act. 4. To approach or accost (a person) with an offer of sex in exchange for payment. v.intr. 1. To make solicitation or petition for something desired. 2. To approach or accost someone with an offer of sex in exchange for paymentThere is no action to solicit. It is not disruptive. The string of characters doesn't consist of an action to solicit, because there is no action to solicit. There only exists the functionality to send electronic tokens if that person should choose to (nobody has yet).In addition solicitation is done for the purpose of getting money. Neither tokens nor up-votes are money.I request you find something else to worry about besides a string of characters you are not going to use or give me a reason as to how they are disruptive, how a short line of numbers or letters can constituent solicitation. How does it hurt the platform?

[–]Echo1883Mod, ex-HCO Staffer 3 points 16 hours ago Hey how about you stop trying to dictate to us how OUR sub should be run and start following the rules. You might think they are arbitrary, that's fine. You are under NO obligation to be here. We don't think its appropriate for this sub, so we've asked you to stop. You ignored us and continued doing it. Its as simple as that. If you continue to ignore us then you can be removed because you are not a mod of this sub and do not get to decide what is and is not appropriate for it.

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