Reddit Social Skills (#1) Cat Got Your Tongue? How To Start A Conversation?

in reddit •  5 years ago 

Reddit Social Skills (#1) Cat Got Your Tongue? How To Start A Conversation?


If you ever felt like a cat got your tongue and you can not start a simple conversation with your friends, family or even loved ones, this would be a perfect video for you.

I've chosen to answer one particular question that user named yarin10121 asked: When you have nothing to talk about or nothing to add to a conversation...

Well yarin10121 I really hope that I have managed to answer all the questions raised in your post. I believe this will be beneficial not only to you, but to everybody watching here on YouTube. With all the tips for this video, you will definitely know how to start a conversation.

Please leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments, I will be more then happy to hear them. If you have any constructive criticism you are more then welcome to share it in the comment section.

This is just one of many videos to come out on this topic, I hope you will enjoy them.

See you soon,

Check out my other videos:

Reddit Social Anxiety - A Lengthy Q&A (How To Cure Social Anxiety)

5 Things That Make You Look Like A Loser - How To Not Be A Loser Pt. 1

Curing Reddits Social Anxiety (Former Loser Leaks Social Anxiety Cure)

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