Reddit Social Skills (#4) How To Ask Out A Female Peer At Age 17

in reddit •  6 years ago 

Reddit Social Skills (#4) How To Ask Out A Female Peer At Age 17


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A reddit user asked for help regarding how to ask out a female peer.

This particular young man is only 17 years old, as is the young woman.

His question:

“[I’m a] 17m wondering how to ask out or getting a 17f’s interest

My primary goal is getting her interested in me
I know how to flirt and i know how to get to know and start a conversation with her but the only problem is executing , especially when asking her out.
What I plan on doing is getting to know her over time and befriend her, once I have done so , I will get her social medias, send her a hey and continue our convos there ??
Then jokingly let her know i’m interested (in case if rejection does occur , it won't seem like I was that desperate).
I just have low confidence in my social skills but in all honesty , i may be the second best looking guy in our class if not first so i may have a chance ?
I really don’t know what I'm doing but any advice would help.”

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