It has been a few months since Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 9 Pro in India, and it is one of the best devices available right now, below the Rs 15,000 price range. The Redmi Note 9 Pro comes with a 6.67-inch Full HD + DotDisplay screen with Corning Gorilla Glass 5 protection on both the front and the back. Under the hood, the device is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G SoC along with up to 8GB LPPDDR4x RAM.
The device runs on MIUI 11, which is based on Android 10 and has ads in the user interface, but it also brings some cool additional features. So, in this guide, we will show you the best Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro Max tips, tricks, and hidden features so that you can get the most out of your device. Without waiting any longer, let's get started. If you are not satisfied with redmi note 9 pro camera then you must use the redmi note 9 pro google camera for the batter camera performance.
1. Show your Battery Percentage and Network Speed on your Status Bar.
Redmi Note 9 Pro packs a large 5,020 mAh battery, and therefore it is essential to know how much battery life is used or available on your device. By default, most Android smartphones, including the Redmi Note 9 Pro, come with a graphical battery indicator that does not show users the same battery available; however, this can be changed by selecting the "Percentage" battery indicator. Besides this, you can also turn on the "Show network speed" option to see your internet speed in the status bar. Please take a look at the steps below to see how it's done.
For the Battery Percentage:
• Go to Settings -> Display -> Notch & Status Bar -> Battery Indicator.
• Choose between "Percentage (in the icon)" and "Percentage (next to the icon)" to see the battery percentage on your status bar.
For Connection Speed:
• Go to Settings -> Display -> Notch & Status Bar.
• Turn on the "Show connection speed" button, and you'll be able to see your network speed on your Status Bar.
2. Use two Apps of the same kind with the Dual Apps feature
It's 2020, and most of us have multiple accounts on social media and on online shopping websites and apps. However, logging out of your favorite apps every time you switch to your secondary account is time-consuming. Therefore, to avoid that, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro comes with a dual apps feature that allows you to create two apps of the same type on your smartphone. To use dual apps on Redmi Note 9 Pro, all you have to do is:
• Go to Settings -> Apps -> Dual Apps.
• Tap on the button next to the App you want to clone to create a Dual App on your device.
3. Use the new Clear Speaker mode to clean your speakers.
If you have problems with the audio output of your device, there is a possibility that your speakers have collected some dust, resulting in the poor audio output. The clear speaker mode on Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro plays 30-second audio that helps you remove dust from your speakers. You can play this repeatedly, depending on the dust you have on your speaker. To use Clear Speaker mode, all you have to do is:
• Go to Settings -> Additional Settings -> Clear Speaker.
• Press the button next to the clear speaker option to start playing your audio.
4. Make use of App Lock
Mostly, we all like to keep our photos and conversations protected for privacy reasons. The built-in App Lock that comes with Xiaomi MIUI 11 can help you do better. While many users install third-party apps to lock apps on their smartphones, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 Pro comes with a built-in App Lock that helps you lock apps on your smartphone and keeps them protected from others. You can use this feature to lock apps like Gallery, WhatsApp, Instagram, and others to keep your Photos and Conversations safe from people using your device. To use App Lock on Redmi Note 9 Pro, all you have to do is:
• Go to Security App -> App Lock -> Tap on the Apps you want to lock.
5. Make use of Dark Mode.
The dark mode is the new trend, and almost everyone uses it these days. Dark mode allows you to change the overall theme to dark and helps you save battery life on your device. You can also use dark mode in places like movie theaters when you want to use your smartphone without disturbing people sitting near you. To activate dark mode on Redmi Note 9 Pro, all you have to do is:
• Go to Settings -> Display -> Dark Mode.
• Tap on the Dark Mode slider to enable dark mode on your device. You can also set a schedule if you want Dark Mode to automatically get turned on at a specific time.