Are you seeking #Truth? Do #FactsMatter? Ignoring truth, no matter how far fetched it may seem, hurts us all.

in redpill •  7 years ago 

I am exhausted. As a US Citizen, I maintain my right to freedom of speech.

US Constitutional Rights are being ripped from "We the People" and because our "representatives" and Mainstream Media have been lying to the world, we are permitting the destruction of our Constitutionally granted protections, by the passing of UNCONSTITUTIONAL Acts.

The Patriot Act-
FISA- Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, Section 702
NDAA- National Defense Authorization Act
USA Liberty Act
😬 They are named to hide the degradation of our rights.
The "Regulations" that protect us, as individuals, from government's control and intrusions in to our daily lives.

--The "Regulation" POTUS 45 has ordered cut are mostly, in reality, PROTECTIONS To Stop Corporate Interests from actions that damage us as individual, damage our environment or negatively impact our "quality of life".
Granted, some regulations are government over reaching, but just "cutting regulations" does not allow the needed PROTECTIONS to remain.

Ex: Full Open Internet Access for everyone, erroneously named "Net Neutrality" which has been twisted as "Government Regulation"-
The PROTECTION We should have: All should have equal access to the World Wide Web. Allowing ISP, Internet Service Providers, to charge MORE just for higher speed entry, violates "Full & Open Access". Real "market competition" of ISPs, as service providers, simply doesn't exist.

Matrix Movies-Take the "Red Pill" You'll Wake To Reality.
Here's a real world #RedPill
#Truth #FactsMatter
We are being lied to..........
#GreatAwakening requires we get #Woke
#OperationJustice #MarchForTransparency

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