RE: How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie

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How I Took The Red Pill And Realized Everything In Our Cult(ure) Is a Lie

in redpill •  8 years ago 

You know the moment when a wide-eyed child gleefully spots Santa Claus, only to see the child's face turn to shock as Santa takes off the beard, lights up and starts cussing on his break?

That's how I felt watching Jeff's video and it wasn't because of some of the theories he believes in (or doesn't), but because of the glimpse of his character.

Becoming a fan of Jeff's cryptocurrency insights, I watched the entire video despite my wife giving commentary in the background about who is this crazy taking about 911? I don't believe in the 911 conspiracy (or the other ones like the moon landing), however I'm willing to hear logic and evidence and the possibility of it all. Just like I don't believe in God, but am open to the possibility.

No, what got me to unfollow Jeff was his mocking description of Stephen Hawking:"...whoever that guy is, sits in a wheelchair and they say he talks [laughs]...". Why does it matter the method in which a human communicates? Shouldn't the content be judged, not the unconventional way someone "talks"?

It seems a little hypocritical to mock at someone because they are different, and expect others to listen and understand their own unconventional theories. I feel the world needs more empathy.

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