A professor of economics said that he had never failed a single student, until once he failed a whole classroom. That particular class had insisted that socialism really worked: That everything would be better and more just; with a welfare government intermediating in wealth, nobody would be poor but nobody would be rich, everything would be equal and fair.
Then, the teacher told them:
- "Ok, we are going to do a socialist experiment in this class, instead of money, we will use their qualifications, the ones they get from the tests, all the grades would be granted based on the average or average of the class and therefore they would be" Just. "Everyone will receive the same qualification, which in theory means that no one will be reprimanded, just as no one will receive a 10".
After the first test, the teacher calculated the average and all students received a "7".
Thus, who studied with dedication was outraged, but the students who did not make an effort, were very happy with the result.
After the application of the second exam, the lazy students studied much less -they expected to make good grades in any way; and those who at the beginning had studied a lot, decided that they would also take advantage of the proposed treatment for their grades. As a result, the average of the second test or exam was only "4" for each student.
Of course, nobody liked ...
After the third exam, the general average was "1". If one qualifies for each student!
Although the grades did not return to higher levels, the disagreements between the students and the search for the culprits intensified and that group of bad words became part of the atmosphere of the room of that class. The atmosphere was bleak and was rarefied by disenchantment and laziness. The search for "justice" among the students had been the main cause of the complaints, while the hatred and the sense of injustice became a common part of that group and that hostile feeling could be breathed in the air.
At the end of everything, nobody wanted to study more to benefit the rest of the students of the course ....
Therefore, all students failed and all would repeat the semester of Economics 1.
To his great surprise, the professor explained:
- "The socialist experiment failed, because when the reward is great, the effort for individual success is great, but when the government takes away all the rewards, taking the achievements of those who tried to give them to those who did not fight for them, then nobody else will want to do their best, as simple as, for example, Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela ...
1. You can not take the poorest to prosperity, removing the prosperity of the richest.
2. For each one that receives without having to work, there is a person working without receiving.
3. The government can not give anything to anyone, without having to remove something from another person.
4. Contrary to what socialism preaches, it is impossible to multiply wealth by trying to divide it.
5. When half of the population understands the idea that they do not need to work, then the other half understands that it is not worth working to sustain the first half, then we arrive at the beginning of the end of a nation.
6. Do your part, read this information. Teach the ignorant what socialism really means, the left and the risks for the future of each country
From this simple explanation, we already know that socialism is neither good nor works. Those who think otherwise, do so out of ignorance, and change their opinion, when the money of others is over.
Text by Orlando Sabas. - translation in google translator
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