Whoa, it’s nearly lunchtime already!steemCreated with Sketch.

in reflections •  7 years ago  (edited)

good morning folks, it’s been quite the crunch decisions over the last 72 hrs, who to work with, what to work on next, lots of plate spinning, lots of calculations and creating guides and structure — just the last few hours I’ve been working on a little template in keynote for putting together screencasts for clients and what information a client should give me so we get the expected outcome, not that we had major issues but parts were missing in the brief so we want to stop that from happening, it’s gonna be an iterative template process to find tune it but if we have this as a starting reference I have something to go back too.

So much running around my brain right now, super excited about the potential of working for a startup (if we can lock down the renumeration and hours) vs looking for work each week on upwork, having something solid and daily I have to turn up to everyday is like a definite income stream, the fact that would be paid in bitcoin crypto is damn awesome as well (plus scary in case it drops really bad) but really pushes towards that dream of living completely by the web, digital payment and crypto is certainly one of those ways to do this, I feel it will be the roadmap for everything I do as a remote freelancer in the years to come.

revisiting LBRY after re-install

so recently I did a fresh re-install of Mac OS to get back to a speedy setup and forgot about my lbry installation in the process, it’s not as easy as something like crypto wallets where you can just use the backup seed to restore the assets in fact it’s a process of backing up files and a little bit of a bind for the average user especially if you have setup custom urls or custom locations for your content — that being said the lbry support were very nice and speedy and even sent me 12 lbry credits to get me back on track so I really like that.

not to self, must add LBRY to cheddur in terms of reviews of the services I’m using from the perspective of a content creator — that might make profiles more interesting if we can have a subtitle heading of what we do in crypto, maybe select from three key groups — investors, hodlr, content-creator — at a glance and a click through you could find other investors and content-creators content on these respective platforms.

if you interested in checking out some people just starting to put content in a decentralised platform then you would be best to check out a new show called Unbubbled with Jamie King, Ep1.1 - Bitcoin, Boom or Bust — click and go if you have LBRY - Content Freedom installed. I thought it was interesting that lbry was working with some content creators and rewarding people who watched it to earn lbry credits.

my first shapeshift.io DASH to LBRY credits

So seeing as dash went up last night I thought I would do a little experiment of transforming some DASH into LBRY credits, I really like the lbry platform and I had run out of credits so I wanted to try a simple $5.00 experiment because the costs are so low in terms of transaction fees for me to transform some dash into lbry credits, I need credits to earn credits and I was under the ceiling of credits in my account to allow me to put up a test post, I could have setup a mining setup and mined some lbry credits but I wanted to step through and give it a go to see how it worked — if the mass majority of people are going to use crypto it’s gotta be simple, I’ll update you once I have all the exchange stuff done.

looks like the transaction went through without a hitch, perfect. exactly how these things should work, i'm excited to push all my content about steemit up on lbry as well then! :) might stitch all the parts together as one mega 3hr file, will revisit that later.

dlive put up their alpha

Hey guys!! Thanks for all of your interest! Our Alpha is here!! https://www.dlive.io/
Feel Free to live and upload videos, and let us know if you have any feedbacks. I hope you guys can understand, this version is still pretty rough and not ready for sharing with friends yet. We are still polishing UX and also trying to add more features. We would be more than happy to learn more feedbacks from you guys! Please let us know if there are bugs or suggestions: 1. you can upload a screenshot in the #debug, whenever you find a bug, 2. if you have suggestion about features you can comment in the #feature-suggestion. Thanks for your support!

i want to get around to playing around with that platform asap but right now I’ve gotta make some decisions about balancing out work coming in, what clients I stick with and which I go in another direction with so can’t take time on this just yet, too locked into current work output that is needed.

ok it’s lunch time now. ..

feel like I’m finally seeing the wood for the trees now, wanna crush these last three screencasts for a client and then I’m free to jump into new potential client work and then also try and record a number of the outstanding course clips, think I have 5/6 left of those to do and that’s live, then I can start to think about the media calendar for next month, certainly got busy around here and I’m loving it! :)

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YAYAYA! Get it with that momentum mouser!

Thanks for the reminder. I need to eat something.

As a Dash ambassador it's very hard for me to read that you are trading your precious Dash for something else, though... Sigh.

But I actually think LBRY is pretty cool, too. Just wish I could access it through a browser instead of an app (slows down my computer so much, I had to uninstall it).

kinda confused as to why people are just using crypto to hodl. what are people hodling for? just for profit? i am trying to live a life based on crypto and remote working, i don't want anything to do with fiat if i can help it, i'd like to be financial independent too and i need money for credits for services that can be potentially bringing me in revenue. it was only $5.00 and i ended up with 32 credits so i can upload some of my steemit for content creators over there and have a steemit presence there too kinda thing.

i don't have the luxury of income where i can just save or store it and wait for things to go up, i have a daughter that needs money, i have to pay rent and i don't have a full time job so crypto for me is another way of exchanging value, i dislike having to spend any crypto but it's kinda what it's for right? micro payments too? especially dash i would have thought because of the speed and the price of the network fee.

I was joking about Dash ;) Of course it needs to circulate to be of any use.
I do try to hodl whatever I can, because I know what Dash is up to and believe that the Dash price will still double within a year, but of course I can only do that because I am in a position currently, where I can afford it. If I run out of fiat, things will look differently... :)

trust me, they do from this side. it's exciting thou, i'd love nothing more to have a normal job but i can't stand the office bs. watercooler chat is just blurgghh! :) - i might be starting a new remote job where i get paid in bitcoin anyway soon and i'm super stoked about that! :)

Oh great, I'll cross my fingers for you!!

thank you! x