
in reflexiones •  last year  (edited)

Hola, me gustaría invitarlos a este nuevo blog con la intención de unirnos como una comunidad global sin importar lugares o idiomas podemos crecer juntos, aportar y aprender desde y de la esencia de lo que somos.
Quiero compartir con ustedes un espacio en donde podemos encontrar lo siguiente:


Hello, I would like to invite you to this new blog with the intention of uniting as a global community, regardless of places or languages, we can grow together, contribute and learn from and from the essence of who we are.
I want to share with you a space where we can find the following:

We can perform sacred readings, although Buddhism is the strongest we can learn from all the readings we do (Dhammapada, The Bible, Coran, Bhagavad Gita, etc.) We can even analyze some movies, spiritual messages are everywhere.

Grow as a united community, where we can support each other and seek answers together.

Images and messages that will feed us spiritually, that generate the possibility of establishing a reflection of life every day, we will be able to analyze and talk about important phrases and teachings that have been carried out throughout history regardless of their origin or religious or scientific orientation.

Espero que podamos conectar a través de esta red social con lo mejor de nuestro Ser, crearemos una comunidad de todos y para todos, en donde nos podemos sentir libres de expresarnos, preguntar e interactuar sobre temas espirituales y encontrar un apoyo para sobrepasar nuestras dudas e inseguridades.

I hope that we can connect through this social network with the best of our Being, we will create a community of all and for all, where we can feel free to express ourselves, ask questions and interact on spiritual issues and find support to overcome our doubts and insecurities.

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