Victory in the Freeway Protestor Trial!

in refusefascism •  5 years ago 

What follows is the subscriber letter published by Refuse

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Two of the #Freeway9 defendants, center, with attorney

Victory in Freeway Protester Trial.

Prosecutor Doubles Down.
Hearing Monday July 1.

What you can do:

Folks in LA > > Come to the hearing set for Today (Monday) July 1, 1:30 pm, LA Metropolitan Court House, 1945 South Hill Street, 6thFloor, Department 62.
The defendants will hold a press conference and rally at 12:30 pm on the courthouse steps.

Everywhere > > All who feel the need to act to STOP this fascist regime need to stand in support.
Today (Monday) July 1 go to a courthouse, public building, intersection or transit hub with signs supporting the #Freeway9 & #TrumpPenceMustGo.
Post & tag photos on social media to RefuseFascism; distribute flyers on the case; have people sign messages of support.

Everyone, call the LA City Attorney Mike Feuer to demand his office stop the unjust prosecution and demand ALL CHARGES BE DROPPED on the Freeway9 and UCLA5. Call 213.978.8100

Post THIS video on social media

Donate to the legal defense and to support the defendants

Friday, a mistrial was declared in the trial against two members of Refuse Fascism and the Revolution Club for protesting on the 101 Freeway in September and November 2017 to sound the alarm against the Trump/Pence Fascist regime, calling on millions to join a movement initiated by to drive this regime from power.
They were facing a total of 12 misdemeanors with up to three years in jail and $2,000 in fines.

That the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict reveals the righteousness of the defense and of the actions of standing up against fascism, which is not a crime!

Despite this mistrial, the prosecutor said immediately that they would retry this unjust case. A hearing on this is set for Monday, July 1.

The whole way the LAPD and City Attorney has charged and prosecuted this case reveals this is a highly political persecution—aimed at criminalizing protest that steps outside the bounds of meaningless protest-as-usual, in the face of a rapidly consolidating fascist regime.
When the Trump regime is caging thousands of migrant children in concentration camps with the Democrats funding this ethnic cleansing, when the last abortion clinics in several states are closing with the basic right to abortion under threat, the tripwires for war with Iran are being laid, and as the Supreme Court rules that states have the right to suppress their voters... a protest staged by members of and the Revolution Club that shut down the 101 freeway in Los Angeles with a 50 ft banner with the slogan “The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” in the Fall of 2017 is STILL being aggressively prosecuted by the City Attorney’s office headed by long time Democratic politician Mike Feuer.

The prosecution has claimed this a simple traffic case, but they have filed motion after motion preventing the truth from coming into the courtroom about how these charges were put together in the first place.
That LAPD’s Anti-Terrorist Division took over this case and decided the charges on a very political basis and that they sent a Confidential Informant into meetings of Refuse Fascism, secretly recording discussion and political meetings.

Yesterday, the prosecutor filed an extraordinary and outrageous motion trying to pressure the judge to silence the defendants and their supporters from raising any political discussion in the courthouse and even outside the courthouse on public streets.
They tried to ban “any message regarding issues raised in this trial, including, but not limited to, Donald Trump, immigration, fascism, social injustices, et cetera.”
They even raised objections, after the fact, about the politics in the testimony of the defendants about why they were compelled to step onto the freeway to stop business as usual.

From the prosecutor’s brief: “Over the People’s objections, Judge Espinoza allowed the defense, in direct examination of the defendants and their closing, to identify a number of political woes that motivated the defendants’ actions on the day they were arrested.
These included such inflammatory, irrelevant, and prejudicial topics associated with the current Presidential administration, including, but not limited to, ‘ripping babies out of their parents’ arms at the border,’ the threat of nuclear war, the fascist takeover of the United States government, and the death of migrants coming over the border.
A central theme to the defense’s closing urged the jury to ‘pick a side.’”

The prosecution demanded that the judge interrogate the jury in the middle of jury deliberations.
This would be tantamount to jury tampering by the prosecution.
The judge did not go along with this, but the fact that the City Attorney tried to go to such lengths to shut down the political questions at the heart of this case shows that this case is about restricting the rights of people to bring out the truth of the extreme danger we are facing with this fascist regime.
This would set a dangerous precedent for these defendants and for any other political trials.

When asked about this, Miguel Alex Antonio, one of the two defendants on trial, said in a statement: “They have suppressed very important information from the jury.
The fact that a spy from the LAPD’s Major Crimes Division was sent to public Refuse Fascism meetings to secretly record entire meetings and conversations with people (including a conversation with me) and ‘gather intelligence’.
Why are they trying so hard to suppress this information?”

Damon Alimouri, Mr. Antonio’s lawyer, said in his closing argument to the Jury:
“Indeed, the prosecution has laid a formidable attack on Mr. Antonio, charging him with six separate crimes.
Much like a shotgun-shell scatters many tiny bullets with one shot designed for one of the tiny bullets to hit the target, the prosecution has fired six scattered shots at Mr. Antonio with the hope that at least one of the bullets hits Mr. Antonio.
That is strategic.”

In calling for the jury to do the right thing Mr. Alimouri said
“In effect, history is the true measurement here.
Will history look upon your decision favorably?
Or will your children, will your grandchildren, will your great-grandchildren, look back and ask what happened?
Or will they be proud and honored to see that you were on the right side of history?
That you stood for something?
What will history books say about you?”

That is the question before everyone right now: will people act commensurate with the crimes against humanity being waged by this regime.
Michelle Xai, one of the #Freeway9 who was originally charged with conspiracy (charges which the City was forced to drop) said:
“When Fascism is becoming law, we have the responsibility to act, in our millions, to stop this.
The defendants were calling on those millions to act and those millions are needed now.
Don’t tell me that it can’t happen in this country, that we can’t drive out a regime.
It is happening in Sudan, Algeria, South Korea and right now in Hong Kong.
This is the only way to get off the defensive and bring a stop to this Fascist Regime.
Listen to the courageous defendents share why they participated in the Freeway action national team
917 407 1286

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I don't know all the details of this case but assuming they were just protesting then it's absurd there is legal action being taken against them. You know things are screwed up when we can't even protest the things that are screwed up.that and countless other reasons, but jeez... Things really seem to be going downhill in a lot of ways.

America was never free.

Just now are we getting to where we can organize without waiting on snail mail.
Many more anarchists in the mix than when I signed up.

I tend to agree, there may have been times where it was more or less free, but I think we have been compromised since the beginning and that we were never totally free. And yeah, there's a lot more anarchists it seems like these days! It seems to be growing which I think is great, I've been trying to think of ways to bring anarchists together more cause I think that's one of the most important things to do, though I've been so busy and have had little luck in regards to such so far.

Not free since our ancestors first bowed down to the men that ruled over them with sticks.
Not gonna be free a long as the masses belieb force is the way to rule.

Our population density is pretty low, here in flyover country.
I haven't found the infoshop here, yet.

Personally I think it is a dick move to impede people who have nothing to do with the issues they are angry about, real or not. Creating new problems for innocent parties to protest other problems will never be the answer. Especially since I see a lot of hypocrisy when the problems being protested only became a problem for many when the new president is involved, not when the preceding president was involved.

As with all organized movements, they seem to be ran by the parties actually responsible for the problems to begin with. I suspect this is no different given their hypocrisy over when an action is wrong.

When those are the very people who's apathy/lack of action is the cause of the problems, I see where some might want to inconvenience those folks.

Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.

When the ruling class decides that they will stay in power through violence against dissenting populations, any taxpayer is fair game for those dissenting populations, imo.

Is that optimal?

Is it fair to those that just want to be left alone?
If they are paying taxes, supporting the police, or just apathetic/wanting to be left alone, their obedience to authority/lack of contribution to being free is the root cause of these problems.
If they bow down to the uniformed authorities, they will bow down to the new boss, too.
'Pardon the inconvenience as we adjust to new management.'

If your utopia needs thugs to make it work, it sucks.
Likely, you do, too.

Getting stopped in traffic and being late to work one day is a small price to pay to stop being ruled by thugs, imo.
Many have given all.

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