Regret over a lost password!

in regret •  7 years ago  (edited)

I've been in this community two years ago but lost my password! 6-4315-36-Funny-Minion-Quotes-Of-The-Day-305.jpg

Huhu! I took all the possible passwords that my word could imagine but still incorrect! I tried to browse all my back-up and found out nothing! ScreenShot (2).png

Lost! ss.png

i was so disappointed! I regret it so much because i already promoted my reputation to 39. =( And now with my new account i go back to 25. This is so kinda sick to me!

Well, i just another lesson to learn to never to forget password again! :(

Maybe i just need this. Never forget password again.jpg

You can have it too in Amazon, click here

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