How are all being, Beauty-Full Souls? Very well I hope! I'm sending positive vibes and love your way!!
I am sorry I missed you yesterday ~ I was taking care of the homestead, and as we got over a foot of snow, I was busy investing some physical energy by shoveling :)
I trust you innerstand! and I thank you for that!
Here is Day 7 of our Empowering Messages.
As we travel our personal path, it is inevitable that Life will challenge us with situations that will trigger us on a deep core level.
It is wise to take a deep breath ~ don't react, just breathe and observe your feelings... as you are doing so, allow your consciousness to travel through the c(h)ord that as been "played"
... ask yourself what it is that is really bothering you in this moment? Do you have to feel this way? If so, why?
Remember ~ it is ALWAYS your decision how you FEEL on the inside ~ these triggers are messages to assist us along the journey...if we pay attention, and do the innerwork, we can learn the lessons they offer, implement appropriate changes and improve our life, and wellbeing, in profound ways.
Today's Affirmation:
"I Am the Master of my emotions. As I consciously Honor my personal process, my ability to intentionally co-create is amplified."
..It Is So..
Previous Empowering Messages can be found here:
If I may be of further assistance, please reach out.
Make it an amazing day!
As always, Thank You for BEING YOU!!
& Keep Shining, Beauty-Full Souls....Full STEEM ahead!!!
~ April
Honoring The Forest & Our Divine Nature Within
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Thank you in advance Beauty-Full Souls! Your Love and Support is sincerely appreciated!
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Tips & Donations are warmly welcomed & sincerely appreciated from those who feel moved to support the mission of The Reiki Forest.
It is important to remember that while Reiki provides support, and guidance within, we are response-able for directing our Will and using our energies wisely to Honor our Well-Being and accomplish our goals. Reiki is not recommended as a replacement or substitution for traditional medical treatment and is intended as a complementary therapy.
For those who are sincerely open to work with energy medicine and consciously accept the personal response-ability of their well-being, and will-power, Reiki helps activate the individual's natural ability within to self heal, while also facilitating and supporting the path & process of healing, growth & transformation on all levels.