Nature Therapy: 5 Ways to Connect with Reiki & POWER UP

in reiki •  7 years ago 

Hello Beauty-Full Steemians! How are we all Being today?

In Balance & Wholeness I greet you from The Reiki Forest and offer you vibrations of the same :)

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One of my favorite ways to connect with Reiki and Self Treat is by getting my Nature Therapy on.

Placing my hand upon my heart, I activate the flow of Energy using the Cho Ku Rei symbol as discussed yesterday. I do this when I begin my day, as well as whenever I desire to initiate any Self Treatments or if I am giving a Remote Healing.
Connecting with the elements during a nice hike or getting my hands dirty in the garden are among my preferred personal sessions, as performing activities such as these enables me to easily tune into the omnipresent current of Life Force Energy.
(You can read about the Cho-Ku-Rei Symbol here:
When I'm engaging in meditations such as raking the forest, or as I like to say, giving Mother Earth a massage, my awareness of the energy exchange between myself and the elements is heightened.. I am truly injoying grounding my love and appreciation for Mother Earth (and All That Is). I am also deeply thankful of the immensely amplified healing that takes place within me during the process. I highly recommend getting your Nature Therapy On in whichever way resonates most with you. In this post I share 5 simple ways you can get your healing on in Nature.
Use the CKR in your preferred manner (at anytime, even now) ~ yes, you can be doing anything and still tap in for assistance from Reiki. It is omnipresent and always ready, willing and able to help us with all things that are in alignment with our greatest good and highest possible healing. Please be sure to visualize, chant or draw the CKR symbol three times when you are ready to open your Being to Divine Healing.

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Here are five simple ways to connect and recharge with Nature that I love to do and suggest giving a try.

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1) Swimming in an ocean, lake or pond
2) Dipping Your toes in the River and Watching the Water Flow By
3) Laying in the sand, or on the grass (I love laying under Trees)
4) Planting Seeds and Tending Plants
5) Tree Hugging (palm hugging a tree is awesome if you're concerned about wood tics ;) )

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Here is a Reiki Infused Affirmation that you may also like to incorporate into your Nature Therapy..


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As always, Thank You for BEING YOU!! & Keep Shining..Full STEEM ahead!!!



~ April

Honoring The Forest & Our Divine Nature Within

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It is important to remember that while Reiki provides support, and guidance within, we are response-able for directing our Will and using our energies wisely to Honor our Well-Being and accomplish our goals. Reiki is not recommended as a replacement or substitution for traditional medical treatment and is intended as a complementary therapy.

For those who are sincerely open to work with energy medicine and consciously accept the personal response-ability of their well-being, and will-power, Reiki helps activate the individual's natural ability within to self heal, while also facilitating and supporting the path & process of healing, growth & transformation on all levels.

UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED This post (including all text, energy and images) are the Original Conscious Creations and property of April G. Newhall and The Reiki Forest. All Rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reprint this post in it's entirety onto your web site as long as you (i) use this post in it's entirety (ii) do not make any changes and (iii) provide a link back to the original source.

Bright Blessings & Reiki LOVE!

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