Reiki: What It Is, Why I Love It & How To Work With It Today

in reiki •  8 years ago 

What Reiki Is, Why I Love It & How You Can Work With It Today


As a Heart-Centered & Soul Service Oriented person, there are countless reasons why I love Being a Reiki Master....

Here are 11 among them that I would like to share today:

  • Reiki resonates deeply with my Being.

  • Reiki has my best interest, and the best interest of All That Is, at Heart.

  • Reiki never violates free will.

  • Reiki is always available and never runs out.

  • As I give reiki, I also receive reiki.

  • Reiki enables me to fulfill my potential with conscious direction of my energy.

  • Reiki facilitates profound healing for All those whom are open to its power.

  • Reiki seeks to awaken, activate and empower the highest version of each individualized aspect of Source.

  • Reiki is Love

  • Reiki is Life

  • Reiki is boundless; enabling practitioners and recipients to connect in person and through all distances for healing treatments effectively.


So...What is Reiki?


The literal translation of Reiki is "Universal Life Force Energy"


Reiki is the All-Knowing and All-Powerful energy within everything - both manifest and un-manifest.

It is the Unified Field of Life ~ the Universal Current within you, me, the trees and all Beings.

You are Reiki, and so am I.

It is a way of life, a holistic way of living.

It is a conscious choice to embrace our natural abilities and share them for the greatest good of all.

It is our Divine Birthright and the Blessing to each other that We Are.

Reiki is our connection to each other. It is the essence of our Being and the fabric of our existence; Reiki is Love and Love is Life.


Although some of us are more naturally inclined toward using this gift, we all possess it, and each of us are able to activate it ~ whether we choose a Teacher to initiate and mentor us or prefer the path of Self-Attunement like that of Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of today's Traditional Usui Reiki Practice.


How Does Reiki Work, and What are the benefits of Energy Therapy?


Reiki is consciously applied, and transmission is activated through intention.


The application of this energy, sometimes referred to as "hands on healing" or "distance healing" enables those who are sincerely open to the power of this all natural medicine to receive the healing energy and move into greater states of balance and well-being of body, mind & spirit.


Through this Spiritual Shifting of Energy, recipients of Reiki "Treat"ments report increased relaxation, stress and pain reduction, increased energy, mental clarity, focus and awareness. It has also helped many recover more quickly from surgery and many ailments. It helps us process grief, step outside our comfort zone and improve the well-being of the lives of those around us, simply by guiding us into greater alignment with our authentic self and so much more.


Within Traditional Usui Reiki there are three levels:

Level One ~ Initiation

The Practitioner is initiated through an attunement ceremony that opens their energy centers known as chakras. During this process, the practitioner receives an energetic tune-up. The process of realignment to their natural abilities is activated. Upon completion of this ritual, many practitioners go through a purging process or what some affectionately refer to as "the healing crisis," which describes the process we each go through during our integration and assimilation of our frequency adjustment.

During the healing crisis we are releasing our old patterns and any blockages we had accumulated throughout life, while we are simultaneously creating a new and healthier way of being, which comes as a result of daily practice, personal realization and conscious choice.

Reiki will always guide and support us - but we are always response-able for taking the necessary actions that come along as a result of the changes we grow through within.

During the Level One Training, Practitioners receive the first two sacred healing symbols along with instruction on how to apply them for Self Treatment as well as the "hands on" method of treating loved ones (including family, friends, pets, plants, other animals, etc.)

Level Two ~ Distance Healing

Level Two Training is similar to the Initiatory level in that practitioners once again receive an attunement, whereby the energetic frequency is once again raised. This may trigger another "healing crisis" depending upon the personal lifestyle choices of the evolving practitioner/aspiring master.

During this training, practitioners receive the symbol used to transmit healing through any distance as well as into different dimensions of time and space.

Level Three ~ Reiki Master & Teacher

It is during this training that the Master passes along to the Student, after their "final attunement," the Maste Symbol and the sacred steps to perform during each attunement ceremony for the corresponding level of training.

I advise all of my students and potential students to practice each level for 3-6 months before moving onto the next - but there is no set requirement, it is a personal choice and individual journey for each Soul. Just as some might opt for Self-Attunement & Training, while others like myself prefer the connection, mentorship and passing on of ancient wisdom from Teacher to Student.


You can begin experimenting with this natural flow of energy as soon as you are ready. Here are two ways you can start working with your natural ability today:

Self Treatment - Energy Ball

Activate the flow of energy by placing your palms facing one another and about two inches apart. While doing so, hold the intention to send the flow of life force from your palms into the space between them - to generate a ball of healing energy.

Once you feel the heat begin to flow from your palms, visualize the energy gathering into a ball between your Palms. Slowly move your hands slightly farther apart as you increase the ball of chi, while Breathe your specific healing intentions into it. Allow yourself to be fully present during this process. Infuse your healing ball for about 3-5 minutes, or as intuitively guided.

Once complete, open your palms and allow the energy to disperse into the atmosphere around you, and into your being. Relax and injoy as you feel the healing current permeate throughout your entire being.

Self Treatment - Hands On

Place your hands comfortably upon the location of your body where you intend to send healing energy. Activate as described above, only instead of creating a ball, direct the energy to flow into your Being, allowing it the spread throughout the area. InJoy for as long as desired.

This works great for headaches, muscle aches, stiff joints, arthritis, stress relief, relaxation ~ just to name a few benefits. You can also do the above two exercises and apply them to loved ones (pets and plants love it just as much as people!).


I also invite you to injoy experiencing the many various mini distance healing treatments I offer, including Reiki Infused Healing Affirmations/Reiki Boosts and Reiki Attuned Videos I create to assist healing imbalances of all kinds.

I freely share them here on Steemit as well as other sites such as BitChute, Minds, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Here are a couple doses of Energy Medicine you may like:

Reiki Boost (Affirmation) for Clarity, Perseverance & Power:

and another (Video) for Reflection, Introspection & Reclaiming of Personal Power:

For those who wish to connect with me on the above named sites, here are links to my pages:







I strongly recommend those who resonate with this post to do further research and consider becoming a Practitioner.

A quick search online and some brief reading will give you ample background information on Dr. Usui, the History of Reiki, and additional exercises to test and/or enhance your abilities.

Of course, You are always welcome to Visit: or and reach out with any questions, comments or suggestions. I am happy to help!

Reiki Blessings and LOVE Upon Your Journey & Thank You for BEING YOU!!


~ April

Honoring The Forest & Our Divine Nature Within

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Join the @TheReikiForest family to light up your Sacred Space with Daily Reiki Blessings, Energy Medicine & Inspiration 💞

~ Reservations are available for Remote Reiki Treatments & Certified Training ~
Visit for more information ~ or email [email protected]

Thank you for allowing The Reiki Forest to be of Soul Service! It is truly an Honor.

It is important to remember that while Reiki provides support, and guidance within, we are response-able for directing our Will and using our energies wisely to Honor our Well-Being and accomplish our goals. Reiki is not recommended as a replacement or substitution for traditional medical treatment and is intended as a complementary therapy.

This post (including all text, energy and images) are the Original Conscious Creations and property of April G. Newhall and The Reiki Forest. All Rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reprint this post in it's entirety onto your web site as long as you (i) use this post in it's entirety (ii) do not make any changes and (iii) provide a link back to the original source.


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