Happy Tuesday, Beauty-Full Souls!
How is the weather where you are?? We are getting a blizzard here today ~ and although my heart is longing for Spring, I must admit that I do love the snow and will make the most of this gift as I usually do.
For me, Snow brings a sense of peace and relaxation. It provides an atmosphere of quieting energy that softly speaks to my Spirit. I love the feel of the flakes falling upon my skin ~ and I appreciate the opportunity to engage in active meditation that it offers when it's done and the time to shovel begins.
Whatever the weather is in your neck of the woods - I hope you injoy it as best you can.
Let's go forth and Create a day of awesomeness, Beauty-Full Souls. Reiki Blessings & Love to You & Yours!
Thank you for BEING YOU!!!
~ April
Honoring The Forest & Our Divine Nature Within
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It is important to remember that while Reiki provides support, and guidance within, we are response-able for directing our Will and using our energies wisely to Honor our Well-Being and accomplish our goals. Reiki is not recommended as a replacement or substitution for traditional medical treatment and is intended as a complementary therapy.
This post (including all text, energy and images) are the Original Conscious Creations and property of April G. Newhall and The Reiki Forest. All Rights are reserved. Permission is granted to reprint this post in it's entirety onto your web site as long as you (i) use this post in it's entirety (ii) do not make any changes and (iii) provide a link back to the original source.