Wonders they say shall never end, i came across these relationship matter that made dumbfounded and i couldn't resist not to share with you guys.
Does this still happening in this our generation? Or has the era of Romeo and Juliet come back to our generation you can imagine how someone will call you on the phone and you don't know him and you end up telling him or her that it's a wrong number and that individual still come back to tell am sorry i was suppose to call someone else and i end up calling you.
And that is how the conversations starts he or she tells you how beautiful and sexy you are from there you start blushing and subsequently he or she calls once in to check on you and the relationship, starts to have a foundation from the foundation it migrate to the building of the relationship.
And from there you will start missing him or her if he or she hasn't called you will be tempted to beep or call him or her to know how his or her day went.
At this point the relationship that started on a wrong note of someone calling you that happened to be a wrong number is now growing to be a strong relationship that you can not do without calling to check on him or to know what is going on in his or her life.
Then as time goes on you will being to imagine how you the whole thing started at first, you wouldn't even remember that at first it was a wrong number who was supposed to call someone else and he or she ended up in calling you.
You two introduced yourself get acquainted becomes friends and gradually become close and within a twinkle of an eye you two fell in love and today you are married.
This is a story of a man who wrongly called a woman and they end up marrying each other happy watching as you go through the picture and conversations..